Example sentences of "[coord] she had once " in BNC.

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1 Yet , in 1989 , according to the FBI , only 15% of all murder victims were related to their killers ; 39% were ‘ acquainted ’ with their murderers , but this figure would include , say , a drug dealer killed by a fellow gang member , or even a police officer murdered by a suspect whom he or she had once arrested .
2 Her threshold for anger and frustration was low and she had once slashed her wrist .
3 He believed , and she had once heard him say , that eventually she would , naturally , come round to his way of thinking , and she had vowed to work harder at the study of English literature in order to learn enough words to refute him once and for all .
4 Mr Cowan said Lady Kennedy 's promiscuous behaviour was ‘ not unusual for her ’ and she had once been sacked from a job for ‘ obscene behaviour ’ .
5 She was a nice old soul , but she had once been Sister Hope for twenty years , as she never ceased to inform us .
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