Example sentences of "[coord] by [art] middle " in BNC.

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1 We 'd stock up the shelves and by the middle of the afternoon all that would be left would be size 14s in puce and some size fives that maybe a girl would pop in and buy for a party just before we shut .
2 The fact that the coal trade did not develop on anything like the scale expected by the promoters of the Leicester and Grand Union Canals , and by the middle of the century what trade there was steadily fell off .
3 The Industrial Revolution , which created a vast demand for urban housing , made Welsh slate an almost universal roofing material , and by the middle of the nineteenth century some 16,000 men were working in the quarries , producing roofing slates called ‘ duchesses ’ and ‘ countesses ’ , among other titled ladies , according to their size .
4 Inevitably , the stocks of whales became depleted , and by the middle of the eighteenth century the whaling at Svalbard ( or , as it was called , the ‘ East Greenland Fishery ’ ) had ceased altogether .
5 SP/32 anticipates adding AIX and HP clients and by the middle of next year will come up with a Unix server model for Sun , IBM , HP , Ultrix and perhaps Alpha OSF/1 .
6 Accordingly , the prices objective became more important in most economies , and by the middle of the 1970s it had replaced full employment as the principal objective of the UK government .
7 During June a more threatening outbreak developed under the leadership of ‘ Robin of Redesdale ’ ( almost certainly Warwick 's associate Sir John Conyers ) and by the middle of the month Edward had decided to go north himself .
8 Illegitimate births formed only a small number of the total registered births before 1750 , but by the end of the eighteenth century an illegitimacy ratio of 5 per cent was common and by the middle of the nineteenth century 20 per cent was often the norm .
9 A sharp downturn in 1920–1 was aggravated and by the middle of 1921 Britain was experiencing one of the worst recessions in its history , with unemployment rising to 2.4 million in May in that year ( 22 per cent of the insured labour force ) .
10 The Gulbenkian Foundation was exploring training for the performing arts , and by the middle of the decade the CNAA found itself confronting the complex range of elements of the creative and performing arts in its existing courses , and expressions of interest by institutions proposing specialist courses — notably in drama and in dance and movement .
11 During June a more threatening outbreak developed under the leadership of ‘ Robin of Redesdale ’ ( almost certainly Warwick 's associate Sir John Conyers ) and by the middle of the month Edward had decided to go north himself .
12 and then it all had to be scrapped and by the middle
13 The ILP regarded this as a negative approach and by the middle of 1937 the Communist Party was complaining of the impossibility of continued cooperation between the two parties .
14 When the campaign opened , it was not immediately obvious which particular issues the parties would choose to stress ; but by the middle of the campaign it was clear that the Conservatives were focusing on defence issues where their policy was so much more popular than Labour 's , if only because it seemed so much simpler to explain .
15 But by the middle of the twenties , when Ramsey began to study the matter , a new vision appeared .
16 The form of mills had developed only slowly since the Middle Ages , but by the middle of the eighteenth century the technology of wind and water power was being investigated scientifically and there was competition for mill sites because of enlarging industrial needs .
17 During the third millennium BC most axes were made of unalloyed copper and few were of arsenical copper , but by the middle of the third millennium arsenical copper gradually supplanted copper and this , in turn , was replaced by tin bronze and also some leaded tin bronze .
18 By the mid-15C as a result of epidemics , pogroms and wars , urban Jewish settlement virtually disappeared , but by the middle of the 16C there were about 1,000 Jews living in Prague .
19 Details of the furnishings were discussed in August and October but by the middle of January 1891 the building was ready and the seats were in place .
20 At that time , like Wordsworth , he had no career , and depended on the generosity of friends ; he had planned to live quietly in the country , but by the middle of 1797 was already beginning to get bored with rural solitude .
21 Ten years later , still in Pig Street , things were rather different : there were more children to cram into the same limited accommodation , but by the middle of 1795 they were motherless .
22 After all , Adam would be back at college in a week 's time , the will would have to be proved , but by the middle of the summer why should n't he and his wife and Bridget use the Hall regularly at weekends ?
23 But by the middle of the following day , under the relentless desert sun , the temperature of the water can have reached 40 ° C. The spadefoot has a number of ways of helping the developing embryo to survive this particular ordeal .
24 This gave continuity to the English connection with India , but by the middle of the century India was not at the centre of English overseas activity .
25 The country was conquered by the Afghans but by the middle of the century the Persians had not only thrown out the Afghans but also marched through the Khyber Pass and captured India .
26 His father came from a long line of bone-setters in Anglesey , but by the middle of the nineteenth century medical opinion was becoming increasingly hostile to these unqualified practitioners , and Evan Thomas sent all of his five sons to study medicine at Edinburgh University .
27 To get the detail which a copper engraving can show was more difficult , but by the middle of the century this had been achieved and lithography was the normal medium .
28 But by the middle of the nineteenth century they had lost most of even the symbolic importance they had had in earlier generations .
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