Example sentences of "[coord] he realize that " in BNC.

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1 His heart thudded and he realized that he had begun to breathe faster , with excitement .
2 I think he finally started thinking , for reasons I ca n't say , about whether or not he could actually leave the hospital , and he finally asked , and he realized that he could n't leave the hospital alive .
3 She looked imploring , and he realized that her eyelashes were golden , too .
4 When he was twelve , his psychic sense blossomed and he realized that he himself was one of those whom he had learned to loathe , taught both by his personal tragedy and by the missionaries .
5 His head cleared and he realized that he was alone except for Fiver .
6 The days of smoking a pipe suddenly came back to him , and he realized that he was biting down on his own teeth .
7 Then he remembered that his wife had been there when old Sally had died , and he realized that this information might be worth something .
8 He thinks of that great opening shot in Le Métro and he realizes that her lips are moving in exactly the same way , her face pained as he does his practised best .
9 In his youth he was taught , in accordance with Hindu custom , to repeat the thousand names of God , but he realized that the thousand names of God were not exhaustive and that while God has many names and many forms he is also nameless and formless .
10 Parson thought this was ridiculous , but he realized that even days before he would flee , the Shah was unable to acknowledge that power had slid from him like snow from the mountains in spring .
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