Example sentences of "[coord] i found [pron] " in BNC.

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1 or I found I preferred men instead . ’
2 At first our association was concerned with her scripts for the CBC broadcasts , and I found her most amenable to work with .
3 Albert Spanswick came from the old school of trade union leaders and I found him a more persuasive advocate for health service workers than Rodney Bickerstaffe .
4 ‘ I met him several times at balls and routs , and I found him very entertaining .
5 He was difficult sometimes — maddening sometimes — but he had , I always thought , a curious innocence of character so that you could n't be angry with him for long — and I found him always stimulating to be with — talkative , bursting with ideas and comments — and for a great deal of the time — just plain good fun to be with .
6 And I found her . ’
7 She had a very strong hull for her type , was capable of about thirty knots with her twin Sabre engines , and I found her surprisingly sea-kindly .
8 And I found we 'd run out of milk for Anthony .
9 We bore left , and I found we were in t
10 The actor Paul Blake and his wife Kate , who are friends of ours , have two young daughters and Abi and I found we really enjoyed their company .
11 Carter and Cureton 's entries on " style " seemed to match the first brief and I found they complemented each other in interesting ways .
12 You will recall , however , that before you vanished from our lives you entrusted me with the notes you had kept while working on the Big Glass and the Green Box , telling me I could do what I liked with them , and adding , in your usual sensitive way , that I could always use them to wipe my arse if the paper decided to sack me and I found myself really hard up .
13 The chair was comfortable but low and I found myself in the disconcerting position of having to look up at him while we spoke .
14 I knew that I was alone , and I found myself saying over my name to myself to intensify my individuality to bring about a conviction that though alone I was strong .
15 And I found myself floating quite calmly above my body .
16 I said ‘ That 's it — I 'm going ’ , and I found myself walking out …
17 The review started to become rather long , and I found myself — with some considerable difficulty — trying to be scholarly , and to achieve an air of objective reality .
18 Then it stopped and I found myself on the side opposite to her .
19 I had to get my passport done , my parents ' written permission because I was only seventeen and I found myself in Paris two days later .
20 She barked back , the door slid open wide enough for me to enter and I found myself in a roomful of dames all with rigor mortis of the third-finger-of-the-left-hand .
21 I 'd been playing slide for years and I found myself in a blues band .
22 I was very nervous , and I found myself coming on very strong and direct with her , and saying , ‘ I liked Rosemary 's Baby , but the picture bothered me for this reason …
23 I waited a thousand years for my introduction , then the curtains opened and I found myself centre-stage .
24 Venues boasting ‘ Fred ont' thorgan ’ and ‘ Bert ont' drums ’ were getting rarer and I found myself working more and more with small orchestras .
25 A dense fog descended on the field and I found myself isolated at left-half marking the right winger — yes , it was some years ago !
26 Then the talk turned to the West and I found myself at the centre of questions .
27 When the path narrowed , we had to proceed in single file , and I found myself leading the way , with my aunt following closely behind and my father behind her .
28 The formation of this remark in my mind encouraged me greatly and I found myself smiling .
29 But then the dreaded word ‘ school ’ was mentioned , and I found myself decked out in a strange blue and grey uniform with a new yellow and blue tie and a starched white shirt collar that felt tight and very uncomfortable round my neck .
30 The range of everyday articles on the shelves reminded me abruptly of things at home , and I found myself thinking of my last night before leaving London .
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