Example sentences of "[coord] the girls ' " in BNC.

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1 An area of the playground was allowed for this , though it was forbidden to slide on the pathways leading to the Boys ' Entrance and the Girls ' Entrance .
2 Così has six principal characters — two pairs of lovers , a cynical old ‘ philosopher ’ named Don Alfonso , and the girls ' maid , Despina .
3 Children had been left with matches to light the gas , and the girls ' caretaker and the needlewoman had both taken ‘ french leave ’ .
4 The boys ' mean score was 57 per cent and the girls ' 51 per cent .
5 She went over to the pool and found the book on a table , damp from having been left out all night among towels and goggles , sunglasses , an old Daily Telegraph and the girls ' bikini bottoms .
6 One was handing out straps and the girls ' hands and feet were strapped together before they were thrown in the van .
7 But the girls ' whispering had been right .
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