Example sentences of "[coord] the reason they " in BNC.

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1 For ease of reference I shall call both reasons of this character and the reasons they are meant to reflect dependent reasons .
2 The same committee on the same day had considered Mr. Choudhury 's appeal and the reasons they gave in that case are impeccable .
3 Each of them is being pumped into the atmosphere in vast amounts : and the reason they are not found in vast amounts is that they are extremely reactive or soluble in water , and so are quickly converted into some other compound , or washed out by rain .
4 And the reason they seem ‘ unappealing ’ is that they are not visually attractive .
5 And the reason they are not up to the job is that those in charge of hiring them are mostly men .
6 But you know having said that they are there for a reason and the reason they are there for is is if the group did n't have somebody to pull them back down again then they 'd might be going off in all different directions doing all these wonderful things and ending up nowhere because you have n't had somebody who pulls them back and says well hold on a minute .
7 They paid him and the reason they ai n't going to have nobody back there any more back to this firm cos safety rules .
8 The history of this is that for many years M O D were unhappy about expansion of the , of the port er , for commercial use and the reason they were unhappy of course was that erm commercial use was competition that they felt would be likely to drive up wages .
9 Well anyway erm they it was interesting , they all seemed rather positive and the reason they were positive is because they perceive him as classless , as somebody who 's actually come up the hard way , who 's experienced the down side of life and who 's nevertheless , through hard work and perseverance and so on , triumphed over that , and actually reached the highest post in the land , and erm they seemed to feel that there was a erm that this was a good thing , that somebody who 's had experience of erm the less privileged side of life , somebody who , and I quote ‘ was n't born with a silver spoon in is mouth , and did n't got to public school and that sort of thing knows more about what 's life for the average person ’ and I agree with that .
10 But the reason they can not press on to victory is transparent : the central planning dear to people like Mr Li and Mr Chen stands no chance of coping with 20m or more urban unemployed , a labour force that will grow by 95m in the next five years and rising expectations of wealth .
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