Example sentences of "[coord] the [noun] states " in BNC.

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1 Unlike France or the United States , the political head of state is not the focus of regime loyalty .
2 They say the two men should stand trial in Scotland or the United States , though it is not clear how the West would react to Col Gaddafi 's suggestion , now apparently retracted , that it could take place in another Arab League country .
3 A United Nations air traffic and arms embargo against Libya was starting today over its refusal to extradite the two suspects to Britain or the United States to stand trial for their alleged involvement in the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie in December 1988 , which killed 270 people .
4 By contrast , the only federations which hold together are the ones which are culturally homogeneous , or which are marked by a unifying national-cultural ethic , such as Australia or the United States .
5 Nor did it impress the Arab states , which pointed out that if Israel was able to absorb hundreds of thousands of Jews it could certainly absorb more than 100,000 Palestinian returnees ; or the United States , which did not think the Israeli offer ‘ provide[d] a suitable basis for contributing to solution of Arab refugee question . ’
6 By the end of 1939 only 331 of these children had re-emigrated , either to join their parents or relatives mostly in Palestine or the United States .
7 One possible way of overcoming some of these disadvantages of the official UK unemployment figures would be to adopt a survey method of measuring unemployment , similar to the method used in Australia or the United States .
8 So language alone often allows us to tell whether someone is from Liverpool or London , from England or Scotland , or from Britain , Australia or the United States .
9 But very few collectors from Northern Europe or the United States made the journey .
10 Even in cases where a written constitution exists , such as in France or the United States , the introduction of interpretational devices can soften the letter of the law ( witness the continuing debate in America between ‘ strict constructionists ’ and the rest ) .
11 They are not far from the south celestial pole , and they never rise over any part of Europe or the United States , but they are among the most familiar objects of the night sky to Australians , South Africans and New Zealanders .
12 My great aim is to give you a periodical which you will not throw aside as soon as read , but which you will value and look over years hence as an old familiar friend , when you may be battling with the realities of life under the suns of India , in the backwoods of Canada or the United States , or the grassy downs of Australia , over the wide Ocean among the isles of the Pacific , or on the distant shores of Columbia .
13 In terms of institutions of art , London is often seen as relatively insular compared with major capitals in Europe or the United States .
14 For the first time the possibility of a serious non-white challenge to the nations of Europe or the United States was raised .
15 Japan looked around for diplomatic support , but this was not forthcoming from either Britain or the United States .
16 Labour in the UK is low-paid compared to West European and other advanced capitalist countries , so there is an incentive for multinationals to locate the labour-intensive , relatively low skilled parts of their manufacturing processes in the UK and the highly skilled or capital-intensive parts of their production processes in West Germany , Japan or the United States .
17 It 's either that , or the United States , which is erm on a commercial basis and very expensive .
18 For example although ( h ) is socially salient variable in Britain south of the River Tees ( cf. table 5.1 ) , it is not a variable north of this point , nor in Ireland or Australia or the United States .
19 ( Romaine 1978a : 156 ) It seems then that ( r ) is not the ‘ same ’ variable in Scotland as it is in England or the United States .
20 We are not aware of any such evaluation in progress , in Britain or the United States , and it will be increasingly difficult to undertake this if screening is adopted as part of clinical practice .
21 Clearly , neither reflects the totality of the situation in Britain or the United States , and therefore we would agree with Cawson ( 1978 ) that it is possible to discern sectors resembling corporatist relationships and sectors resembling pluralist relationships in both contemporary Britain and the United States .
22 Group politics in the Soviet Union was by no means so clearly and permanently organized as in Great Britain or the United States .
23 In the former Soviet Union the duties of the ordinary police ( called the militia ) were similar to those in Britain or the United States , for example .
24 Following the question by the right hon. Member for Tweeddale , Ettrick and Lauderdale ( Sir D. Steel ) , is there not essentially a double standard when one delegation can bring whomsoever it likes to the talks , whether those people were born in the Soviet Union or the United States , and another delegation is told whom it can and whom it can not bring ?
25 Those included the request that Libya surrender those accused of the bombing of flight Pan Am 103 for trial in Scotland or the United States .
26 Is he saying that France , Germany or the United States are automatically safe ?
27 He certainly did n't put all the radioastronomers in the north : between 1946 and 1960 , which Robertson calls ‘ the golden age ’ of Australian radioastronomy , the group at the Radiophysics Laboratory in Sydney was larger than any in the United Kingdom , the Netherlands or the United States and was remarkably productive .
28 Another case example of international big business creating new markets for itself , then using these countries as a dumping ground for substandard products it could n't sell in Europe or the United States .
29 She would become a dependant of the USSR or the United States .
30 Nevertheless , as mass migration became part of common people 's experience , and every child in County Kildare had some cousin , uncle or brother already in Australia or the United States , uprooting became a common — and not necessarily irreversible — choice based on an assessment of prospects , and not merely a force of destiny .
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