Example sentences of "[coord] appeared to [be] " in BNC.

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1 It was all very uninvolving , or appeared to be so .
2 Investigators in 1897 in Lyons , in 1908 in Vienna , repeatedly showed that various bacteria failed to grow or appeared to be destroyed in the vicinity of Penicillium moulds , but the practical application of this fact was elusive .
3 She was proud of it : proud of his masterful nature — or appeared to be .
4 Amiss spent a deeply frustrating hour rushing to his post any time the cleaner left or appeared to be absorbed in his job , frequently having the conversation drowned out by the sound of a vacuum cleaner and in between having to exchange inane pleasantries .
5 On the very narrowest level , it seemed to him , Rudolf Hess must be a gold mine of strategic information , although the experts at SIS had said his position in the Nazi hierarchy was not perhaps all it had been or appeared to be .
6 So , this fact that there 's no plan , or appeared to be no diary although there was a diary was n't there ?
7 One was lying on his back on the stretcher and appeared to be badly wounded .
8 She knelt down on the cushion , placed her ungloved hands together , closed her eyes and appeared to be either thinking or sleeping in an upright kneeling position .
9 There was a feeling that Mill House might just be coming out of the doldrums : he had won his last race , beating his solitary rival at Sandown Park for the princely sum of £426 , and appeared to be coming back to his old self .
10 Once in the back stretch the jockey manoeuvred John Henry across to the rails , but the horse was ill at ease on the soggy ground and appeared to be out of contention .
11 Ministers said they were encouraged by reports from candidates that the party 's vote was holding up and appeared to be firmer than Labour 's .
12 I noticed , in the afternoon , that two members of the bench had their eyes closed and appeared to be asleep . ’
13 The other headmen indicated their agreement by attending a feast given by the chief , though the women of the village ‘ cried , wrung their hands , tore their hair , and appeared to be in the utmost distress ’ , at the notion of this fundamental change to tribal life .
14 The line to Arkwright fell into decay , and appeared to be forgotten until early 1988 when it saw its final ‘ working ’ .
15 He gazed up in the air and appeared to be musing to the ceiling .
16 It took some time , but after 36 buns and a 40-ounce bottle of whiskey had been used up , the gulls were found to be reacting admirably and appeared to be enjoying the ‘ experiment ’ as much as the engineers .
17 One of them had broken away and appeared to be attempting to struggle upwind .
18 It was said to prey solely on virtuous and obedient women and , because its food was so scarce , the chiveface was always hungry and appeared to be only skin and bone .
19 This was , though , only in a small section of the ground and appeared to be a token gesture .
20 He was tall and gangling with a slack mouth and appeared to be holding something behind his back .
21 This continued until the other day , when the fish ended up floating on its back and appeared to be close to death , although it recovered .
22 The name of Barbara Ward was canvassed , and appeared to be accepted until the secretary general intimated it was ‘ premature ’ for a woman to address the bishops .
23 These phenomena did not move with movements of the eye and appeared to be true hallucinations , centrally caused , but due no doubt to the long and unusual strain put upon the eyes .
24 It had employer approval as a means of supplying efficient seamen and appeared to be run by boarding house keepers in the employer interest , though it conducted at least one successful strike and at one point attempted to extend its influence by sending a delegate to Southampton .
25 She was staring at Creggan from the top of her cage and appeared to be trying to say something .
26 Ruth noticed that he stammered slightly , and appeared to be embarrassed by her presence .
27 The creation of a new party was also a more exciting enterprise which was expected to have a greater effect on public opinion : for the first twelve months — until the Falklands crisis arrived — the SDP gained much favourable publicity and appeared to be potentially successful .
28 From left were Peter Marshall of Pitman Publishing ( third , 1.71 days ) ; Wendy Edge of International Thomson ( who came a close second with 1.68 days , and appeared to be very much the people 's choice ) ; Colin Marshall of Leicester University Bookshop ( who was responsible for collating the results and who collected the award on behalf of the absent Butterworth Law ) ; and Derek Hall of Addison-Wesley ( fourth , 1.72 days ) .
29 On examination the patient was extremely agitated and appeared to be hallucinating .
30 Throughout his remand and trial he denied that he had injured her and appeared to be in a fantasy world , convinced of his own merits and powers .
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