Example sentences of "[coord] find [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I was in , I was in the industry for thirty years before I realized or find out that it 's an Arabian craft .
2 When you get down to these groups of people , you have to work with each individual , if you , you 'll know , and find somewhere where you can capitalise on their strengths and hopefully get away with whatever disabilities they had .
3 Ask for this claim to be investigated , and find out whether anyone has been found responsible and brought to justice .
4 If there is something interesting , I make a call to the record company and find out whether an agent is in place .
5 ‘ I say to kids , go down to the high street bank , see the bank manager and find out whether he 'll lend you the fifty grand you need to make this record .
6 I want you to ring the constable at Morvyl and find out whether he complained to Choak on Saturday night about hazard warning lights . ’
7 Then you can come and sit near me and find out whether they will be of any use .
8 Other blood tests will see if you are anaemic ( see How Are Your Iron Levels ? ) , immune to rubella ( German measles ) , and find out whether you have syphilis , which could infect your baby if it is n't treated .
9 Oh I asked him to go to the insurance company and find out whether I 'm covered with them for having my aerial replaced and I wrote a letter asking if he could be empowered to sign the claim form for me
10 It asked him to omit the Foreign Secretary 's residence , and although generally to conform to the 1856 conditions , he should ascertain Hammond 's latest requirements and find out if the building could be reduced in size .
11 If you are worried about anything , particularly your pet or pets , then either before you go under the anaesthetic or as soon as you are conscious , ask the nurse to ring your neighbour and find out if they received your message and whether everything is all right .
12 On this occasion he could only get 5in so he told one of the shunters , George Dyson , what had happened and asked him to go back along the fish vans and find out if a bag was off .
13 Try and find out if there 's anything wrong , if you can . ’
14 When the passengers are cleaned up see if you can get this young lady , Irene Charial , alone and find out if she knows anything about the layout of the engine-room .
15 ‘ I really just wanted to see somebody who had done some heinous crimes and find out if there was anything different about him that would throw light on demon possession , that type of thing , ’ he says .
16 If you have set a strategy on the lines described in Chapter 7 , the way to begin to judge whether you have a good advertisement is to go to your target group , or at least a few of them , and find out if the ad affects them in the way you intended .
17 Locate them , and find out if there are any more .
18 And alternatively we do a bit of research and find out if some compromise can be arranged .
19 Think about how the room is to be used ( for example ) , will you want to eat there ? ) and find out if it 's possible to re-arrange the room to make better use of the available space .
20 ‘ If you do n't mind , Maria , I 'm going to telephone when we get in and find out if I can get a seat on an earlier flight back to Hong Kong — tonight , preferably , ’ he added evenly .
21 If you 'll excuse me , I 'll start telephoning and find out if any of the Hong Kong-bound flights can accommodate me tonight . ’
22 Recently , I met with er , the probation people from Social Services to discuss exactly what Major has asked about , which is follow up on juvenile fire setters , and find out if there 's any way in which we can modify their behaviour .
23 But try and find out if you want to — you have more spare time off than I do .
24 I 'll tell him what we 've already arranged for the week and find out if there are any special requests or queries .
25 For example , in studying some congenital abnormality we could match a group of such children with a group of normal children and find out if , for instance , the mothers ' smoking habits in pregnancy differed .
26 later on tonight and find out if we , about the times .
27 I do n't see the point because you can pick up the phone and find out if you want anyway so
28 Well I 'll ring her up tonight as well and find out if it 's , if it 's gone up exorbitantly , I 'll have to ring round , ring you and see what to do .
29 ‘ Well , phone subservient Maria Luisa while you 're at it and find out when she is coming back because I 'm fed up with … with … ’
30 Some students will use the time to try out major speeches they have never attempted before , and find out where this may take them .
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