Example sentences of "[coord] thought [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The reason that knowing is different from guessing or dreaming is that knowledge implies an unspoken submission to what is real or thought to be real .
2 To understand the world one is in is to understand where it came from , and how it came ; and it is only because it is understood , or thought to be , that one can aspire to change it .
3 It 's worthwhile reading some pre-Shakespearean drama ; you could read Everyman , a great morality play of the late Middle Ages , and Gammer Gurton 's Needle , first performed in 1566 and thought to be the second oldest English comedy .
4 Who would have thought that the Oakland As , celebrated by Mr Will and thought to be a collection of giants , would have been blown away in the World Series by a bunch of journeymen from Cincinnati ?
5 Reserves are known to be low in Sudan , and thought to be low in Ethiopia .
6 Researchers in Birmingham and Aarhus in Denmark have found a protein called LMP , produced by the virus and thought to be involved in the cancer , in cells from about half of a sample of 84 tumours from patients with Hodgkin 's disease .
7 Nationally , what both education and business produce is valued and thought to be of vital importance .
8 It is unique in that the keys are black , and black and white striped , and thought to be the only one still in use in the country .
9 She was identified with the planet Venus and thought to be the daughter of the sky god , for another of her epithets is Mistress of the Sky .
10 No-one is quite sure of the origin of the PHANTOM , who is female and thought to be quite overweight with flabby arms and many double-chins .
11 This plant changes its form and characteristics according to its habitat , and therefore specimens from different localities are often confused and thought to be different species .
12 With the current growth of interest in Briggs ' work , it is intriguing to note that Briggs only ever published one paper on Sanskrit which , at the time , was poorly received and thought to be a cul-de-sac or at best a side road .
13 As of January 1991 four groupings continued to vie for control in Liberia : the Interim Government of National Unity , headed by Amos Sawyer and installed with the backing of the ECOWAS ( Economic Community of West African States ) peacekeeping force ECOMOG in November 1990 ; the Armed Forces of Liberia , the remnants of erstwhile President Samuel Doe 's forces , currently headed by Gen. Hezekiah Bowen ; the National Patriotic Front of Liberia ( NPFL ) , led by Charles Taylor and thought to be in control of much of the countryside outside the capital Monrovia ; and the Independent National Patriotic Front of Liberia , led by Prince Yormie Johnson .
14 Scottish Natural Heritage said the animal was white , blind and thought to be female .
15 Across the way in the main hall dominated by Renault and Peugeot/Citroen was Activa II , a big handsome XM coupe built just for show , but thought to be the type of car BMW should have built instead of the 850i .
16 His objection was specifically against the idea of a married diaconate , and he accused three periti ( unnamed but thought to be Rahner , Martelet and Ratzinger ) of distributing pamphlets to the fathers soliciting support for such a project .
17 Group Membership was mentioned , but thought to be a retrograde step the Sports Council favours Individual Membership with special categories i.e. Over 60s — Under 16 's — those on Social Security — those attending certain specialised classes .
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