Example sentences of "[coord] conditions [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Collectively , these statutes enable the police to stop and search suspects and ask for personal details , to enter forcibly and search private properties , to detain suspects for questioning for up to 72 hours and to use as much discretion as they require to impose bans or conditions on marches or assemblies .
2 Exactly what powers he had in that direction was not clear , but the Board did promise that no former member of the staff of an undertaking taken over would suffer any reduction of salary or conditions of service .
3 Superficially , the approach is the same whether the remedy is contained in conditions of sale or conditions of purchase , and in many cases the wording of the remedies may be very similar indeed .
4 But agreements and terms or conditions in agreements entered into before 1st January 1993 are unaffected .
5 One of the themes running through The State of the Prisons is that with a few exceptions , neither numbers nor conditions of prisoners have changed very much since Howard first visited .
6 There is no intention to differentiate between the pay and conditions of AEA employees .
7 The actions of Hoover and its attempts to undermine the wages and conditions of union members .
8 Terms and Conditions of Sale
9 Conditions of sale and conditions of purchase are two different sides of the same coin .
10 There is also the problem that performance testing is highly susceptible to personal distractions and even though the tests and conditions of testing can be standardized , the motivation of those taking them cannot. for example , in some of our own experiments we found that subjects like to accompany each testing session with music .
11 In the meantime , this order is required simply to ensure a smooth transition between the old and new statutory arrangements and to ensure that there are no gaps in the statutory provision for the pay and conditions of schoolteachers .
12 For enumeration of viable sulphate reducing bacteria the agar shake dilution method of Widdel et al was used with media and conditions of cultivation as described by Gibson et al .
13 all questions on the size , shape , organisation and dispositions of the forces , as well as their equipment and supply , and their pay and conditions of service .
14 We will create a common structure of Local Management of Hospitals and community units , ending the ability of NHS Trusts to dispose of their capital assets , to set their own terms and conditions of service for staff , and to withdraw from local planning of health services .
15 Teachers in these schools are to be the employees of the governing bodies ( made up of representatives from the funding industry and of parents ) who will be ‘ free to negotiate pay and conditions of service ’ .
17 National pay agreements and conditions of service of non-teaching staff will continue to be on a non-statutory basis .
18 Under LFM key areas of decision-making remained under the ultimate direction of the LEA not least the curriculum , staffing establishments and conditions of service and pay discretions .
19 Several did not understand the curriculum , while teaching staff had little idea of the contracts and conditions of service of support staff ; governors ' perceptions of such things as the cleaning contract were often hazy .
20 ‘ Quickest and cheapest ’ sounds an attractive proposition , but ‘ proceed with caution ’ might prove a sensible warning , together with a reminder that in many areas , LEA experience and expertise — on legal issues , employment law , salaries and conditions of service regulations and bulk purchasing facilities , for example — are first class .
21 In the health service , job evaluation systems already cover ancillary , administrative and technical staff , but in nursing , where Whitley pay and conditions of service have long been established and clinical grading is now under way , there are many who think job evaluation is unnecessary .
22 Certainly the staff terms and conditions of service need to be renegotiated .
23 Furthermore , the quality of staff , as always , is critical and much would depend on their pay and conditions of service .
24 In-service applicants may retain their current terms and conditions of service .
25 That dispute , which concerned , among other things , teachers ' pay and conditions of service , was sustained partly because teachers could exploit contractual arrangements which were imprecise .
26 Howard would have approved of the improvement in pay and conditions of service and greater emphasis on training but he might have been quite surprised at the eventual outcome of well-meaning initiatives .
27 Let us leave aside other relevant factors such as education , career structure , pay and conditions of service and concentrate on manpower management .
28 Meanwhile in Colleges of Education , the gradual replacement of lecturers i/c library by professional librarians , on academic salary scales and conditions of service , showed a parallel development .
29 In 1964 , the House of Lords considered a case in which a union were met by a refusal of a company to negotiate with them on terms and conditions of service although they organized the majority of the men concerned , being watermen in the Port of London .
30 But experience has shown that it is possible to create elite , high-calibre long-term support teams if they are given the right leadership and training , an attractive physical environment to work from , good pay and conditions of service and , crucially , a set of realistic objectives about what they are trying to achieve .
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