Example sentences of "[coord] to give [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Thus a mother with early infectious syphilis likely either to miscarry or to give birth to a stillborn child .
2 De Gaulle used the Interministerial Councils in order to inform himself more fully on important issues or to give momentum to policies that he favoured .
3 Subsidy is no longer allocated on grounds of long-term benefit , nor to give voice to disenfranchised ‘ minorities ’ , nor to promote media literacy or experimental practice .
4 All of these observations seem to fit with , and to give support to , the idea that perception is the result of the impact of the perceived objects on an appropriately tuned nervous system .
5 The role of the non-disabled workers should be to allow the information to be passed on and to give support to people who want to develop skills and confidence to challenge the barriers they face .
6 I promise to do my best to be obedient to God , to my parents and to the Brownie Law and to give happiness to somebody every day .
7 This step was welcomed by the Cinematograph Times , which could not resist pointing out that ‘ much of the criticism directed against the art expressed in the cinema originates from the small class not yet accustomed to modern outlook ’ who assumes ‘ that no art can exist or progress that does not begin with their patronage ’ and ‘ who do not yet appreciate that the masses today are fully competent to judge and to give expression to their own tastes ’ .
8 If , in the age of the Enlightenment , a transcendent religious authority no longer provides an objective sanction for men 's deeds and a punishment of their misdeeds , and if a common belief in such an authority is no longer there to provide the theatre with a cultural-religious function and to give unity to its public , then that authority must be replaced by the voice of individual conscience .
9 A bell was worn by the leader to encourage those behind and to give warning to others approaching .
10 Robyn pauses , to allow the racing pens to catch up with her discourse , and to give emphasis to her next sentence :
11 The significance of encouraging consumers , including government departments and public bodies , to review their contract specifications for manufactured products and to give preference to those containing recycled materials .
12 I beg to move , That this House , noting that the ten million people today living on or below the income support level of less than £40 a week for an adult represent the greatest numbers in poverty in Britain since the war , and that the Government has as a deliberate policy over twelve years further impoverished the poorest one third of the nation to make the rich richer , calls on the Government to reverse its policies of increasing poverty and unemployment and to give priority to the growing millions excluded from the rights and opportunities of real citizenship by increasing pensions by £5 per week for a single pensioner and by £8 a week for a married couple , by re-instituting the pension link with earnings which the Government broke twelve years ago , and by restoring to families the losses in child benefit from three years of government freeze .
13 At the same time , however strong the desire to cut defence costs and to give priority to home affairs , too much had happened since the mid-1930s for the United States to return to its prewar foreign and defence policies .
14 The latter is chiefly intended to protect a healthy knee against injury and to give confidence to those with inherently weak joints .
15 Among other things , these regulations require operators of hazardous installations to draw up on-site and off-site emergency plans and to give information to members of the public who live or work near such installations ( Houston 1987 ) .
16 The latter increasingly seek to influence housing opportunities of all kinds in their areas , and to give advice to those they do not house themselves .
17 they 're not putting money into delegated budgets now , I , I , I was a teacher , a head teacher and I was told that the erm , the essential , the educational departments finding more money for devices and to give advice to school , now , they 're all unnecessary as it is , I would say , we are the ones that carry out the job , we 're on the ground , we 've got to do it .
18 Their function was to work , to procreate and to give place to the next generation ; while the sprawling capital endured .
19 The main function of early presbyters was not to preach or celebrate but to give counsel to bishops .
20 But to give way to those feelings , and start a sexual relationship with the patient was a betrayal of the therapist 's role , which could only damage the patient .
21 Jesus said he came not for such ‘ virtuous ’ people but to give hope to those who were aware of their need of God .
22 The purpose of looking at Hansard will not be to construe the words used by the minister but to give effect to the words used so long as they are clear .
23 Finally , in rejecting the submission that relaxing the exclusionary rule could amount to the courts questioning proceedings in Parliament contrary to Article 9 of the Bill of Rights , Lord Browne-Wilkinson observed that ‘ the purpose of looking at Hansard could not be to construe the words used by the minister but to give effect to the words used so long as they are clear ’ .
24 To derive appropriate interpretations for its input , a natural language processing ( NLP ) system must take account not only of absolute constraints on possible structures and meanings but also of preferences that serve not to rule out individual readings as inherently unacceptable , but to give priority to more acceptable readings over less acceptable ones .
25 " By this means we hope to place at the disposal of our party in Parliament and in the country a trained body of fully formed critics , able not only to expose and correct the usual crudities of Radical-Socialist legislation , but to give form to a comprehensive policy of social reform . "
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