Example sentences of "[coord] come [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 He defended himself vigorously in a series of letters , protesting — in this case to the journalist William Archer — that ‘ The very last charges I expected them to bring against a book concerned merely with the doom of hereditary temperament & unsuitable mating in marriage were that it was an attack on marriage in general , that it was immoral , & that characters who recant their opinions & come to a sad end were puppets invented to express my personal views in their talk . ’
2 The County Council has never at any time considered a paper or come to a conclusion erm on the preferred general location for the new settlement .
3 Respect for human rights and minorities and , in particular , respect for those who speak minority languages or come from a minority ethnic group is an important matter .
4 Their seeds had remained dormant underground for years or come from a few surviving specimens .
5 Judge Wroath had applied the right test and come to a decision which he was entitled to come to on the evidence before him .
6 All the Pain that Money Can Buy : the Life of Christina Onassis by William Wright ( Gollancz , £5.99 ) — The author 's explanation of why people devour books about the rich is appropriately cynical : ‘ We examine their bounteous lives on the modest condition that they suffer and come to a bad end . ’
7 It will literally put a face to a name and be a useful memory aid when you compare notes and come to a final decision after the interviews . )
8 In May 1987 , we pointed out in New Socialist that Labour 's leaders would have to take on electoral reform and come to a pre-election accommodation with the Alliance if they seriously wanted to win the election .
9 ‘ Let's not be too hasty and come to a conclusion before we 've got all the facts . ’
10 Then it would presumably spot some potential prey and come to a standstill in mid-air as if it had brakes .
11 He 'll decide to study the Pennington report and come to a decision on the recommendations .
12 He argued that inventions have two parts : the product itself , which must be ‘ startling , unexpected and come to a world which is not prepared ’ , and the ‘ gestalt ’ in which the product is embedded :
13 The allegation of the defence had to be met and properly dealt with , so the matter would be returned to the justices for them to look at the circumstances and come to a proper determination after they had heard further evidence .
14 They pour into the backstage car park like expensive treacle and come to a halt at the crack of a whip .
15 As tribunals are totally independent of Government and are judicial organisations , they must have the power — and the House must respect that power — to investigate such matters and come to a conclusion .
16 She says mostly they 're the soul of courtesy — embarrassingly polite and come to a grinding halt …
17 ‘ The only way we can know that people want to see the Fun Factory becoming a success is if they vote with their feet and come to a meeting to show their support . ’
18 When you 've gathered information a , and and come to a conclusion erm interesting , we may have something for you there .
19 Intending clients could stroll in from the street , look over what was on offer , and come to an arrangement with the young lady of their choice .
20 For the regulationists history , to use a delightful phrase of Aglietta 's , is ‘ innovatory ’ : there is no cyclical repetition but a succession of phases which only emerge and come to an end as a resuIt of their own characteristics and particular historical circumstances .
21 Having analysed and come to an understanding of the question , you have to build an argument from it .
22 As all things in life fade and come to an end the poet realises so must he .
23 Most boards use very similar methods for assembly and come with a full set of instructions .
24 The movements and dials are made in brass and come with a range of extras .
25 All Bavarias are built to Germanscher Lloyd standards , have a built-in anti-osmosis barrier and come with a 5 year hull guarantee .
26 The watches in this range are priced at £14.50 ( rrp ) and come with a colourful cardboard play clock for practice .
27 All three systems are available from May 1st and come with a two-user licence for OSF/1 1.2 , Motif and TCP/IP or Open VMS Alpha AXP base licence , Open VMS one user licence and NAS 250 licence .
28 All three systems are available from May 1 and come with a two-user licence for OSF/1 1.2 , Motif and TCP/IP or Open VMS Alpha AXP base licence , Open VMS one user licence and NAS 250 licence .
29 They 're about the size of a cigarette packet and come with a connector for one of the standard low-cost LAN cable types ( which usually means thin co-an and BNC connections ) .
30 Rufus said , Hi , and come for a swim , so Adam took off his shorts and went into the water in his black nylon underpants .
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