Example sentences of "[coord] once [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The old slaves are raised on slightly sloping platforms , that on the spectator 's right ( and once probably the other too ) carved at the front as a cushion .
2 And once again the motif is transpersonalized , for in the novel Shatov proves himself more than ordinarily resolute ; his paper Slavophilism does n't touch his human courage as husband and friend — and enemy .
3 On the next level , once again both down-escalators are out of service and once again the stationary escalator is littered with rubbish .
4 The shabby ghosts of the Forster coterie waft out once more to pool their romantic gossip ; Forster himself shuffles forward to complain that Joe 's doings with one brawny menial have so put him off the lower classes that he has been obliged to travel first rather than third-class on a railway journey , and once again the air is full of that peculiarly spiritless twitter about guardsmen , homosexual tea parties and cure for pubic lice .
5 But just as the loss of self is the precondition for the discovery of a more ‘ real ’ because unconflicted , unrepressed self , so the precondition for pastoral sublimity is the loss of history , and once again the landscape which crystallizes desire , in such remarkable images , is also effaced by it :
6 In the 1770s a wing was added at the back , and once again the house rose up the social scale .
7 Unfortunately , unpublished material is getting scarce , and once again the plea for any unseen collections goes out — we would be delighted to produce a third volume .
8 And once again the polish 'd Pewter shines
9 This Richard refused to do , and once again the family brawls began .
10 And once again the Prince of Peace has come ,
11 Another feature of past episodes of warming in the eastern and equatorial Pacific has been the occurrence of droughts in the southern part of Africa and in north east South America , and once again the present event shows no deviation from the pattern .
12 The running line saws its way through the strands of the opposition and once again the katsuru cry announces victory .
13 Since before dawn the White House had been deluged with calls for information , and once again the Press Spokesman was at his wits ' end .
14 But he did and once again the pictures on the walls quivered in fear .
15 Irish referee Brian Smith was forced to act as peacemaker when fighting broke out among the rival front rows on more than one occasion , and once again the Aussies were frustrated by the spoiling tactics of the home side .
16 With LocalCall services , the caller pays a local call charge regardless of the distance called , and once again the call 's recipient pays the difference .
17 Similar types of comments can also be made concerning landscape evaluation , and once again the methods employed are very dependent on the purpose of the evaluation .
18 Similarly , in an extended theme , there will usually be one supreme climax , and once again the highest note is best reserved for that point .
19 The remainder of the qualifiers played Stableford for the Rentokil Cup , and once again the winners were from Environmental Services , Richard Wooding from Pest Control , Mike Bayley from Medical Services and Sal Akram from Pest Control Newcastle .
20 I watched Clinton and his manservant leave and once again the business of Agnes 's death nagged at my memory .
21 Not quickly enough , however , and once again the night was split by flame and thunder as fire-sticks had roared terrifyingly close to them .
22 On the boat was an old couple and approaching the bridge he got off and left his wife in charge of the boat , He also attempted to open the bridge the wrong way and once again the boat hit the bridge and knocked it off its hinges .
23 There was another roll of thunder , and once again the lightning lit up the garden and the surrounding trees .
24 And once again the autocracy appeared unable to mobilise effectively the resources that they created , through an industrial economy , to fight a modern war .
25 The ‘ trances of the blast ’ once again , as in Kubla Khan , are reminiscent of the shaman , and once again the poem is an examination and celebration of these ‘ trances ’ .
26 And once again the battle of the countryside versus congestion will rage .
27 ‘ Recently this has become known as sustainable tourism , and the key to it lies in co-operation , and once again the festival is presented to the public through the dedication of many individuals and the commitment of its sponsors . ’
28 Stalinist And once again the mad axemen from Wapping and elsewhere will be sharpening their stilettos ( knives not heels ) in the hope of finally despatching the manager they see as a soccer Satanist .
29 Mistinguett was drawing huge crowds at the FoliesBergeres ; the great Bernhardt , though aged and ailing , was still as seductive as ever , dividing her time between the theatre and her hospital for the wounded at the Odéon ; at the Opéra Comique Manon was all the rage , and in May , when the Germans were hammering their way on to Côte 304 , there was a glittering film premiere of Salammbô and once again the Spring Flower Show was reinstated in all its pre-war glory .
30 And once again the sound of distant thunder echoed across a cloudless sky , and once again the world awoke to face the guns of August , but this time the world was ready .
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