Example sentences of "[coord] pretend to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The argument from error can be used to show that we know of cases where others have successfully concealed their states of mind , or pretended to be in a state of mind other than their own ( these possibilities are not really distinct ) .
2 I think he had been listening to some people in the dale who had missed out on the shoot and the money that went with it , and were critical , or pretended to be critical , of people who worked for Sir Emmanuel and the other toffs — maybe a bit left wing , although Stanley was n't a person who took any interest in politics .
3 This is a position which requires the researcher to adopt a false role , for example , pretending to be an author looking for atmosphere for a book or pretending to be a management trainee with a firm .
4 The postman usually bicycled up around mid-morning , a time when everyone in the house was busy or pretending to be .
5 When she went back he was asleep or pretending to be in his own bed .
6 You are , or pretend to be , indifferent to whatever may happen to your reputation .
7 ‘ See ya later alligator , ’ he waved his hand and pretended to be chewing something .
8 Anyway , we pulled ourselves together and pretended to be pleased to see him , and then he drove us back to London like a maniac , keeping up a stream of gibberish which after a while I stopped listening to .
9 Then he flew up beside Cassowary and pretended to be listening to the song .
10 He reached for the bottle but Oliver got there first and pretended to be reading the label .
11 I kept my head down and pretended to be consuming the scraps left on my dish .
12 The girls giggled and pretended to be unimpressed .
13 I took down the battered , broken-spined A-Z I keep taped to the driver 's sun visor and pretended to be looking something up .
14 Instead he went over to one of the shelves and pretended to be searching for a book .
15 And the old Jew had done likewise : coming to live in nearby Heiligenstadt and pretending to be a moneylender .
16 When I was with other girls I especially enjoyed playing at nunneries , and pretending to be nuns .
17 It is embarrassing being young and wanting to be more liberated than you are , yet not being , and pretending to be more liberated than you are , or that you 're having a racier time .
18 Then he 'll see there 's no point fooling around and pretending to be in love with me .
19 ‘ Spreading out his arms and pretending to be an aeroplane , flying low , machine-gunning .
20 Committees are places where you can see people snoozing , picking their noses and pretending to be interested in subjects which are of no interest to them .
21 ‘ 'T IS all very well putting on your old gown and pretending to be a serving-girl so we could pass that dolt at the solar door .
22 ’ She was scraping the chocolate off the biscuit with her top teeth , and pretending to be absorbed in it .
23 ‘ Either John and Angela have escaped , ’ Chris said , ‘ or someone else is using their car and pretending to be them . ’
24 She was n't smiling but she was obviously being polite , nodding and asking questions and pretending to be interested in the answers .
25 Like three actors in a play they each played their part , chatting inconsequentially about this and that , and pretending to be the best of friends .
26 He was dying to ask where they were going , but decided to follow Emily 's example and pretend to be unconcerned .
27 We 'd put on dresses and dance to Abba records and pretend to be Abba and we would prance about the bedroom or lounge singing into hairbrushes .
28 It was a ploy of Lord Darlington 's to stand at this shelf studying the spines of the encyclopedias as I came down the staircase , and sometimes , to increase the effect of an accidental meeting , he would actually pull out a volume and pretend to be engrossed as I completed my descent .
29 Halfway through a session she invites husband and wife to change chairs and pretend to be each other .
30 If the organizer calls ‘ lifeboats in fours ’ the children get in groups of four , sit on the floor and pretend to be rowing .
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