Example sentences of "[coord] may be able " in BNC.

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1 Those wishing to move into the ‘ South ’ may be unable to afford to buy a house or may be able to buy only a much smaller house with the money raised from their existing dwelling .
2 In secondary schools the cooperation of the music department might be enlisted , and the music department there may well have a wider range of recordings to offer , or may be able to advise on suitable pieces .
3 The practice might not know that a need exists and may be able to help .
4 Not just because of who he is , but because they think that he understands and cares , and may be able to intercede .
5 A network is likely to include at least one printer and may be able to communicate with other networks or electronic devices located far away .
6 The practice might not know that a need exists and may be able to help .
7 You may prefer to pay more for a course geared specifically to the needs of health visitors rather than something more general , and may be able to recoup at least part of the costs of attending a course from your local continuing education budget .
8 Any nurse may encounter an adoptee experiencing a crisis of self-identity at any age , and may be able to offer support simply by listening or may have to recommend the adoptee seek expert help from the local adoption agency , PAC or National Organisation for Counselling Adoptees and their Parents ( NORCAP ) for counselling about being adopted and practical information on instigating a search for birth parents .
9 An Inspector from the local water company may well visit your house if you intend making extensive alterations or additions and may be able to help you by spotting any bad practice or likely contravention of the bye-laws .
10 They are your direct link to the regional Sports Councils and may be able to help you get financial or practical help for special project , particularly if these projects could lead to an increase in participation .
11 Thus Oct-11 is a bona fide octamer binding protein and may be able to interact in vivo with similar target genes as Oct-1 and Oct-2 .
12 A shop will prove a little more expensive but may be able to offer some kind of guarantee .
13 The new employee does not have to be an exact replacement of the former employee , but may be able to perform a more productive and better defined role .
14 Casteleyn observed that ‘ Smaller libraries may not need a full-time training officer but may be able to benefit from the advice of a training officer employed to develop training centrally for the whole organisation ’ , and suggested that ‘ smaller authorities who were unlikely to have their own training officers should look to their authority 's training department for support ’ but it seems that in practice , smaller libraries are least likely to have an existing strong centre of training expertise to turn to .
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