Example sentences of "[coord] that is exactly " in BNC.

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1 He once said that his ambition was to make of it ‘ the Cathedral Synagogue of Canada , ’ and that is exactly what happened .
2 And that is exactly what the Brownies did .
3 And that is exactly what it sounds like to the new mother , until she is persuaded by others , against every instinct she possesses , that this is ‘ normal ’ or ‘ naughty ’ … .
4 He was just a sprinter , and that is exactly what I consider myself .
5 And that is exactly it ! ’ complained Anne .
6 Specify Armitage Brick and that is exactly what you have on hand .
7 Biblically the word conversion means a turn-round , and that is exactly what we have here .
8 And that is exactly what happened .
9 Such a performance deserves recognition and that is exactly what the Tennis World fan club service offers to Michael 's fans … detailed , statistical information and quotes from the tournaments .
10 And that is exactly what Braudel doubts , and what his opponents would have to demonstrate .
11 And that is exactly what you need to eliminate the guy . ’
12 And that is exactly how they look — like things that jump out of the dark and land without a body feeling them and burrow into living flesh , flesh they have numbed with preliminary injections , and … suck .
13 And that is exactly what I meant to do . ’
14 We are told that it is the most flexible and fast-reacting source of aid , and that is exactly why we have pursued that route .
15 It is much better to have one review and to have it at the beginning of the Parliament , and that is exactly what we shall do .
16 There is no objection , and that is exactly what we are doing .
17 The third element and the fourth element erm I I think relate more to location questions to do with the new settlement , and I propose to deal with those under the legal heading of two C , the next item is that the proposal can be considered alongside policies of restraint , and that is exactly how the proposal for the new settlement has emerged , it is a response to the er proposed greenbelt around York city , and obviously we can put in the greenbelt that there is severe erm policies of restraint operating at er on on the terms of new development .
18 It could have been Hick holding together a Worcestershire innings — and that is exactly what England have been waiting and hoping for from the man who had completed 57 first-class hundreds before he was 25 .
19 His widow , Margaret , said : ‘ Alfred told me that I should carry on with the case if he died , and that is exactly what I will do . ’
20 I promised members after that erm meeting that er I would bring forward different arguments tonight and that is exactly what I hope to do .
21 There was a deal of euphoria after the first night , the success of the missions , a certain element of surprise , but I did say at that time that we 'd be foolish to lower our guard , because erm there was still a lot of work to do , and that is exactly what it 's turning out to be , and we 're going for his military installations , and he 's got a lot of them , and it 's a wearing down process .
22 But that is exactly the opposite of the new picture .
23 But that is exactly what the other members — led by France and Germany — plan to do if the Danes do reject Maastricht .
24 The khedda looks too flimsy to hold a herd of furious , newly rounded-up elephants but that is exactly what it is designed to do .
25 But that is exactly what has been done .
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