Example sentences of "[coord] she could no " in BNC.

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1 If she truly loved someone , she could not be indifferent to the fate of other people , because her beloved would be dependent on that fate , he would be part of it , and she could no longer feel that mankind 's torments , its wars and holidays , were none of her concern .
2 It was nearly two and a half years since Hamish had walked out on Daisy and she could no longer claim to be madly in love with him , but she missed the presence of a man in her life , and her self-confidence was in tatters .
3 She had reached the Fifth Level , and she could no longer go back .
4 Johnny had moved to the far end of the room and she could no longer see him , but she could guess at the expression on his face .
5 Give that club to a lady and she could no more control it than the power man could use her club effectively .
6 Then everything was movement , sensation , and she could no longer laugh or speak or do anything but be carried along by a force greater than anything she had ever known before , a force that took them to the heavens to touch the stars that had already decided their destiny .
7 She could shoot straight , mind , straighter than most men but she could no more keep house than fly to the moon … ’
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