Example sentences of "[coord] he knew [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He knew roughly where he was , or he knew in theory , and he stumbled slowly along in a westerly direction , sometimes holding onto the trunk of a birch tree .
2 She did n't seem surprised to see him sitting there still in his cloak and obviously only just returned from Mass , and he knew at once that she had been told about the murders .
3 Now that he knew where he was the details of the room became familiar , and he knew at once what had wakened him , and strained his ears to hear it again .
4 The Robemaker turned his head and Nuadu felt a sudden white piercing pain deep inside his mind and he knew at once that the Robemaker had made use of the ancient , forbidden Stroicim Inchinn again and that he had pierced into his secret thoughts .
5 Guilty or innocent , it did not matter ; he wanted her back , and he knew at last that , whatever he had felt for Angela Deverill , it was not this .
6 And he knew with certainty that the stranger would be capable of doing anything that he threatened .
7 His future was assured now , and he knew with equal certainty that he wanted Carrie to be a part of that future .
8 did not belong to a dangerous species ) and he knew of its vicious characteristics .
9 And he knew without doubt that the door must not be opened ; that it was a door of a Pandora 's Box .
10 He went to the council school , not Byron House , and he knew about football and boxing , sports that my parents would n't have dreamed of following .
11 Perhaps he was a policeman , and he knew about the heroin . ’
12 She could not possibly have known the misery such a revelation would cause him , because now he was forbidden to call her by any other name and he knew from painful experience that Tom Fish would not relent until he had his way .
13 No one at the banquet could possibly have crossed the Firth of Forth in such weather with such speed and he knew from his own spies that only the King had crossed the Forth that night .
14 And he knew in his bones what that meant .
15 He was not certain of the exact meaning of the word , but he knew without doubt that it could not possibly be applied to him .
16 Freddie had never liked her , but he knew at once that she might be the one person who could give him valuable assistance with his research .
17 But he knew at once that neither Spatz nor Barycz was behind this .
18 But he knew of pupils handing in assignments to teachers to have the spelling and punctuation corrected before being submitted for grading .
19 Quinn did not know the area , but he knew of it .
20 He would probably die in the attempt , but he knew of no one else capable of completing the task .
21 Some other students — but he knew from experience that his mother would want all the details , and he clearly remembered the time he had slipped out for an evening to meet a girl the only girl he had ever really liked .
22 Dexter rather liked it but he knew from the indifferent look on Blanche 's face that she did not : she was very classic in her tastes .
23 But he knew from experience it was often best with Blanche simply to answer a question she asked rather than seek to question why she posed it .
24 I accept that it was not mandatory upon the judge to require that the mother be given notice of the foster mother 's application , but he knew in general terms from the evidence before him that the mother had maintained an active interest in the children and that she was unhappy about the children 's placement with the foster mother .
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