Example sentences of "[coord] have a big " in BNC.

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1 Meath on long wave is 20pc owned by RTE ; it is now the most popular commercial radio station in Britain and has a big , youthful audience in Northern Ireland .
2 he can get back to normal he can come home and have a big bit of toast .
3 And to have a big mouth to project .
4 Sterling was given an office at the Department of Trade and Industry , where he advised on industrial policy , and had a big say in plans for the future of broadcasting .
5 Back home in Hamilton Su'a scored club centuries and had a big reputation as a hitter , which he justified to a wider audience by hitting 30 of his 36 not out in boundaries , once despatching Tufnell over midwicket into the stand .
6 They still spent Christmas quietly and had a big house party for the New Year .
7 This rotative engine soon became greatly in demand and had a big effect on the mechanisation of factories .
8 It came up on the wall like that and had a big wooden block fastened to the wall that block
9 By 4.30 somebody says , ‘ They 're going to wrap in about five minutes and have a big spread over at the sound stage . ’
10 What will her reaction be when she knows that her bright boy , while patting and stroking her and kissing her brow and her blue lips , must have been laughing up his sleeve at her , and thinking what a clever boy he is to be able to live in her fine house and have a big say in her business , while at the same time running a mistress on the side . ’
11 Where 's he making it , he must have had money he did n't just buy those fields and make money and have a big house like that .
12 Then you have go with lots and lots of people and have a big party .
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