Example sentences of "[coord] i turned the " in BNC.

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1 Some of the boys followed and we went down into the basement and I turned the phonograph on as loud as it would play .
2 They stopped , and I turned the plane round .
3 I must have done something stupid which caused a jam and I turned the knob to ‘ Carriage Release ’ and removed the carriage .
4 When I first heard the first noise I thought what the bloody hell 's that and I turned the sound down .
5 So , this tiler were there with that you know , I says well why , you know and er I went back in and I turned the fire off altogether
6 And I could hear and I could hear and I turned the light on and it would n't come on !
7 I nearly caught a man once erm , but I turned the whistle to the dog and he must of heard me , he dropped , into his car and drove off , if I could of got the dog in faster I 'd , I 'd chased him , my daughter said , no you stand back and take no not , but I 'm not like that you see .
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