Example sentences of "[coord] it soon become " in BNC.

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1 For openers , the Lips proffer an ominously ragged blast through John Lennon 's ‘ Mind Games ’ , and it soon becomes apparent they have some Road-To-Damascus compatible lighting effects .
2 Also , in the meantime , a military revolt had taken place in the Spanish army , lead by General Franco , and it soon became clear the division of the contending sides were , on the one side , The Nationalists who were strongly supported by Italy , Germany and Portugal , and on The other side , the government forces , supported by Communist Russia , which led to that side being referred to as ‘ Republicans ’ .
3 The demand for flour continued to rise and it soon became apparent that considerable savings in both costs and labour could be effected if the repeated handling and transportation could be reduced .
4 It was published on 22 July , and it soon became clear that the schools were not interested .
5 Our boys made intense efforts to back them up with air support , but were much hampered by consistently bad weather , and it soon became obvious that long supply lines and determined German resistance were combining to bog everyone down .
6 He 's slightly happier about ‘ Fontana ’ , the second album and the one that yielded a hit in the shape of Shine On , but personnel problems were beginning to mar the band 's outlook and it soon became common knowledge that there was wet rot in The House Of Love .
7 The furnaces were far from economical in their use of charcoal and it soon became necessary to replace the heavy drain on established woodlands with the careful use of coppiced underwood .
8 Life had not prepared him for the task , and it soon became clear that he lacked the natural shrewdness and strength of character that a Gdansk plumber was to show the Polish bosses three years later .
9 However , the directors insisted that the cashier 's records should be examined and it soon became clear that there were discrepancies in the accounts .
10 I had not gone far before the rain started and it soon became a sluicing downpour that never abated all day .
11 Soon after 1600 on Sunday 6 October 1990 a dramatic change in weather conditions led to hurricane-force northerly winds along the east coast of Scotland , and it soon became clear to Coastguards that a number of divers had been caught at sea .
12 The three men met , and it soon became clear that their intentions were different .
13 Blazer offered his workforce a piece of waste ground behind the mattress shed for a pitch and it soon became affectionately known as the ‘ Football Ground ’ .
14 And it soon became apparent that very little of what we did in the department would pass any objective assessment of a clearly understood and resourced process to satisfy agreed customer requirements .
15 But it soon became obvious that the proteins of the nutrient contained the correct chemical groups , and that the food molecules themselves were polymerizing and creating the capsule membrane .
16 Allan Lamb took over the captaincy and did his best , but it soon became clear that without Gooch they were nothing like the same team .
17 The main item on the agenda was future policy in Ulster but it soon became clear that another issue had become dominant .
18 In one demonstration my car was stopped at a hospital entrance but it soon became clear that much of the resentment was directed at what were seen as remote hospital authorities ‘ up there , .
19 The campanile was saved but it soon became ruinous .
20 We published a lightning report , Save the Woburn Canova , quoting golden opinions of the statue from leading luminaries of the arts ; but it soon became evident that the chances of raising the necessary funds were very slim .
21 But it soon became evident that there were many kinds of interferon , all produced when cells were exposed to particular viruses but varying in their exact nature according to the cells which produced them and the species of animal from which the cells originated .
22 I started on the full golf tour , but it soon became a choice of golf or my family .
23 This may have held great promise in its early years but it soon became divided and then fragmented , due largely , if not wholly to the same age-old misconception whereby the basis of the religion is the assumption of the existence of a completely undefined ‘ god ’ , in this case the ancient ‘ god ’ of the Jews .
24 Gradually she got used to thinking of Angel as Corrie , but it soon became clear that she would never be able to claim her as her own .
25 A mechanical bush-clearing company was called in , but it soon became apparent that machines could not accomplish all that was required , and labourers from other tribes were set to work .
26 On my return to Burma in November 1945 I was Archdeacon of Rangoon , but it soon became clear that my main attention would have to be devoted to working for understanding and peace .
27 But it soon became apparent in Zambia and other new countries that inexperienced and possibly unstable governments feared the ability of the press to provide conflicting or alternative ‘ truths ’ , for this put enormous power into the hands of the press proprietors .
28 I was desperately seeking some sort of reassurance , some sort of comeback from someone , but it soon became plain that I was not going to get it from her .
29 Fergie says : ‘ Finally something did happen , but it soon became clear that the Queen was just not capable of getting involved in emotional , personal problems — even though it involved her own flesh and blood . ’
30 But it soon became apparent that other people were also affected including injecting drug users , people with haemophilia , people who had received blood transfusions as well as heterosexuals who came into none of these categories .
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