Example sentences of "[coord] it [vb mod] continue " in BNC.

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1 If such a claim is made , the Commission may decide that there is no such distinct market ( in which case the member state concerned can appeal to the Court of First Instance ) or it may continue to deal with the merger itself , with particular reference to competition in the market concerned .
2 If one tooth is removed , the opposing tooth will require regular rasping or it will continue to grow into the opposite jaw .
3 Art follows wealth , it was said , as it did in the city-states of the Italian Renaissance ; and it may continue to do so , even if the new patron happens now to be democratic and many-headed .
4 Speaking to Christian supporters in east Beirut , General Aoun reminded the deputies in Taif that ‘ a war has erupted to liberate Lebanon and it is still on and it will continue until it achieves its goals ’ .
5 UDT has been selling car loans through the mail for more than 60 years and it will continue to sell loans through the post .
6 Similarly , tapping the dog firmly on the nose may also persuade it that this is a game , and it will continue with such behaviour .
7 From about the middle of the twentieth century onwards , the number of elderly people in the population has been rising , and it will continue to rise until the end of the century .
8 If , for example , your rows are labelled with numbers which ascend in steps of five , you just show Excel the first few ( 5 , 10 , 15 ) and it will continue the labels ( 20 , 25 , 30 , and so on ) for as many rows as you wish .
9 The advertising agency as we know it has emerged only in the last fifty years and it will continue to evolve as communication technology changes and mass communication becomes even more sophisticated .
10 The company has always had a substantial research and development program and it will continue to develop s its businesses within the U K and take advantage of any appropriate profitable opportunities to extend operations .
11 But sometimes if we 've got the wrong fuse in it wo n't blow and it will continue to feed the electric current through to the heater or whatever piece of electrical apparatus it is , until such times as we have a fire situation .
12 in the last twenty four hours , and it will continue to be low in the next twenty four hours .
13 And it will continue to campaign vigorously for more flexible working , better maternity rights and anything else that will ease the working mother 's load .
14 ‘ It 's a security measure and it will continue for some time , ’ said a police spokesman , who revealed that the roads , one of which is part of the main Clogher to Omagh Road , had been closed under a Secretary of State 's Order .
15 Name 's style and independence will be retained and it will continue to operate as an independent subsidiary ;
16 Similarly : ( 10 ) I only offered her legal advice will , under one natural interpretation , refer to advice on legal matters ; and it will continue to do so even if in some rare case it is given under circumstances that mean it is offered illegally itself , for example if it makes use of secret information stolen from a government which prohibits unauthorized possession or transmission of secret government information ; on the other hand , as a phrase of English , it can perfectly well bear the other interpretation under which it means advice which is itself legal , in the sense that it is legally given , in which case it may concern any subject under the sun .
17 An investigation has been started and it will continue until , well , the file is closed .
18 And it will continue to enjoy improved profitability as the economic climate improves . ’
19 You can see the cloud that brought today 's snow has been feeding up into the country from northern France and it will continue to do so for at least the next day or so .
20 And it can continue to press its claims beyond divorce and even the death of one partner .
21 North America , Dr Bosworth , said was on a ‘ consumption binge ’ but it could continue to live off its assets .
22 Cypress has no plans to develop future Sparc products but it will continue to handle distribution during the transition .
23 Cypress has no plans to develop future Sparc products but it will continue to handle distribution during the transition .
24 The event has been revamped and the children 's element expanded , but it will continue to be based on a list of ‘ top 20 ’ titles and a catalogue .
25 Erm both the Labour and the Liberal parties , erm think it 's extremely important that we maintain this provision for the curriculum pupils who might wish to have petition early and we will maintain in full so the current level of provision under section eleven will be May next year , which puts a large sum on the money into that , this is growth in expenditure , the making up of government cuts , increasing the money we 're spending , it 's not increasing service , it 's simply continuing the current current policies but it will continue as it is now .
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