Example sentences of "[coord] it [be] evident " in BNC.

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1 And I kept telling him , yeah , Oliver , but the day that , you know , some Nicaraguan unity group appears and it 's evident that it 's got everybody in it … that 's the day I 'll begin to believe that this thing has a future .
2 This was also borne out by the inclusion of catalogues at the end of the book , looking very much like contributions from various nurseries and it is evident that those recommending the work did so with an eye to business .
3 Although there is no written evidence to substantiate this , no major repairs or maintenance were carried out on the machinery , and it is evident that it performed well from the start .
4 It is we who project upon the continuous flux of history such categories as ‘ Mannerism ’ , and it is evident that not everybody at that period was a Mannerist .
5 The circumstances of these riots are described by Muncie ( 1984 ) and it is evident that a number of them were sparked off by reactions to incidents in which police actions were interpreted as racist or by other racist attacks .
6 Cézanne worked with a full Impressionist palette , and it is evident , not only from a visual analysis of his painting , but also from his letters and from Emile Bernard 's observations on his method of work , that Cézanne relied on the exactness of tonal relationships to produce a sensation of volume and recession ; indeed , the necessity he felt to verify these relationships was one of the reasons why he was compelled to turn back continually to a study of nature .
7 Of particular interest is the age distribution of the children and it is evident that 12 and 13 year olds are most at risk and this coincides with their transfer from primary to secondary school .
8 Indeed , hundreds have successfully completed modules over recent years and it is evident that the National Certificate 's flexibility is as viable in prisons as in any other centre .
9 ( Figure 21.15 shows also the distribution of the intermittency factor and it is evident that intermittency is affecting the intensity distributions only at larger values of . )
10 Herr Bremann first visited Darlington Hall very shortly after the war while still in his officer 's uniform , and it was evident to any observer that he and Lord Darlington had struck up a close friendship .
11 Now the identity of the further blocks was known , and it was evident that sulphonamides prevented folic acid from being put together .
12 The weather was very rough and it was evident that we were heading into another part of the blizzard ; white cascades of billowy snow swirled around us , as the aircraft roared , bumped and bucketed towards our goal some 400 miles to the west .
13 I remember her at my first supper at Grove House and it was evident from listening to those in the know that Nancy was not just a someone , but a very special someone .
14 We said we would like to ask her about males and females , and it was evident that her interest picked up .
15 Gradually the short hops became longer hops , and it was evident that there was no reason why this aircraft should not be taken into her natural environment .
16 As the three impersonators left the stage they , too , were laughing , and it was evident , as Maggie had observed , that they had enjoyed themselves .
17 The family were observed for a day and it was evident how Mary attempted to dominate her sister at all times .
18 The endowment was too limited for an establishment of this extent , and it was evident that the cost of maintaining the infirmary had been seriously underestimated .
19 The soloist , Emma Johnson , had been joined by Sir Charles Groves and the RPO ; and it was evident from several members of the orchestra that the sessions had proved enjoyable for all concerned .
20 ‘ They were horrible , ’ she cried , wrinkling her nose in distaste ; even so , her tone was that of a woman of the world and it was evident it was Martin she found disgusting , not the drawings .
21 But Müller had never done business that way , and it was evident that she was her father 's daughter .
22 Management consultants , P A , were commissioned to review the options for Warren Spring 's future and it was evident from the technical synergies and the fact that we had appropriate accommodation at Culham/Harwell — coupled with our ‘ enthusiastic response ’ — that the merger with AEA was the best way forward for all concerned .
23 Well , something was plainly wrong , and it was evident that Edwin was far too feeble to cope with it alone .
24 But it is evident that publishers , to stay in business , need to bring out a large number of titles every year .
25 But it is evident it will soon alter .
26 ‘ We have made various recommendations for strengthening the rural school , but it is evident that effective re-organisation will demand the closure of schools which are ceasing to meet the needs of the community , and the creation of larger schools in the right locations . ’
27 But it is evident that the species is now a regular winter visitor on a large scale , although the data available to des Forges and Harber suggested that the winter flocks were made up of the breeding population , non-breeding birds and the young of the year , except in very cold weather ; this can not be so today , although cold weather influxes still occur .
28 At no place in this influential tradition is labourism defined , but it is evident that the term refers almost exclusively to the political orthodoxy dictating the course of labour representation in parliament .
29 I saw nothing strange in his behaviour , but it is evident from the literature that the families of anorexics often include a member who either suffers from a psychosomatic complaint or shows an obsessive interest in food and its health-giving properties .
30 Others , did studies of ‘ youth ’ generally , but it is evident from their writing that they were really only talking about male youth .
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