Example sentences of "[coord] assume to be " in BNC.

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1 Male carers are often omitted from detailed study because they are seen to be unimportant or assumed to be so few in number .
2 The implication of these types of ratio is that the population may be divided into two groups ; assets , i.e. those who are gainfully employed or assumed to be so , and liabilities , those who are not contributing to society .
3 When viewing behaviour the firm is , in effect , given the benefit of the doubt and assumed to be operating in a competitive manner unless and until some cause for concern is expressed .
4 This demand system can be derived by maximizing the following aggregate profits function Γ for farmers with respect to Q 1 and Q 2 : where the aggregate production function for farmers is defined as : It is important to note that , for simplicity , the aggregate production function is of quadratic form and assumed to be homothetic , no inputs other than the two forms of fertilizers are considered , and the farmers ' output prices have been normalized to one .
5 The latter is the default and assumed to be the case wherever a user name mapping does not exist .
6 On that basis , Mr Williamson , and on the basis that you propose and acknowledge others do not accept that this new settlement should at least in this plan period be for about fourteen hundred dwellings , what level of employment land provision can be taken out of the Greater York figure and assumed to be in the new settlement ?
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