Example sentences of "[coord] encourage by [art] " in BNC.

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1 He is likely to be very bright and to find learning easy but in many cases he will be coached and encouraged by a parent ( usually the father ) in that one direction so that he becomes a prodigy or a ‘ genius ’ at mathematics .
2 I will not go on to examine by the same criteria the other manifestations of The Thing , such as the anti-apartheid demonstrations , in which open breach of the law was widely condoned and encouraged by the organs of public opinion .
3 Without the emergence of Hitler and his National Socialists all that was rotten in Germany , that had been positively fostered by Romanticism and encouraged by the humiliation that Germany had suffered under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles — racism , social Darwinism , anti-intellectualism , phoney mysticism — might have persisted indefinitely and gradually eaten away the fabric of the country and its culture , gone unchallenged by the forces of reason , lain for all time under layers of sophistry . …
4 For too long education has been a state within a state , with its own corporatist culture of welfare dependency , and levelling dogma and practice — practice for years endorsed and encouraged by the supposedly independent inspectorate of schools .
5 A cutting is simply a length of stem top growth — with some plants it is a soft-tissue tip , with others a more mature hard-wood section — which , when inserted into soil or a suitable growing medium , and sometimes helped and encouraged by the presence of artificial hormones , will fight for life by producing roots , and so grow into a new individual plant .
6 Therefore , driven by a mixture of curiosity , practicality and raisons d'état , and encouraged by the councils of such western advisers as the Dutchman , Nicolaas Witsen , and the German philosopher , Gottfried Leibnitz , Peter ordered the kitting-out and dispatch at state expense of various expeditions for the scientific exploration and study of his Siberian treasure house .
7 for example , bifurcation is a policy which has been occasioned and encouraged by the conjunction of overcrowding and lack of resources in an ideological atmosphere of ‘ law and order ’ and legitimacy crisis , but it was not inevitable : policymakers could ( and probably should ) have decided to do something else instead .
8 This quickened anti-French feeling , and encouraged by the successes of Sun Yat-sen and Mao Tse-tung in neighbouring China , Annamese nationalists and Communists began to organize themselves more coherently .
9 Even so , they belong to the new era of Celtic studies which , as we shall soon see , was inaugurated and encouraged by the Romans .
10 I was relieved to see her and encouraged by the confidence she gave me .
11 ‘ I was very pleased and encouraged by the teamwork during the clean-up operation and production was up and running within a day .
12 This training covers independence , consent , confidentiality , and inhuman treatment , and the importance of total independence and objectivity is accepted and encouraged by the Greater Manchester Police Force , for whom I am the senior police surgeon .
13 Given the commonality of objectives with EFAH and encouraged by the Commission , HCIMA has accepted a place on the Board of Governors of the Foundation and has begun work on the development of a pan-European accreditation system .
14 The argument was heard that even if , in the 1930s , there were other and perhaps more dangerous aggressors in the world , the latest imperialists had been inspired and encouraged by the deplorable yet seductive empire-building example set by the British .
15 One of them , Prof John Sargent , was among a band of eminent researchers in Britain , the United States , Canada , Italy and France who were bullied , cajoled and encouraged by the Odones to help in producing treatment that would save their son 's life .
16 The ethos of conflict avoidance has also promoted a propensity on the part of both management and unions , and encouraged by the political concerns of governments , to avoid major industrial action .
17 Other Groups Other smaller groups , such as the Brass Ensemble , Saxophone Quartet and the Madrigal Group , are joined by invitation only , but there are many ad hoc informal groups formed by pupils themselves , and any such initiative is welcomed and encouraged by the Music Department .
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