Example sentences of "[coord] walk [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Or walking around with their clo without their clothes on or putting toast in the kettle .
2 It was pointed out in Dann v Hamilton that the defence could apply in cases where : " the drunkenness of the driver at the material time is so extreme and so glaring that to accept a lift from him is like engaging in an intrinsically and obviously dangerous occupation , intermeddling with an unexploded bomb or walking along on the edge of an unfenced cliff " .
3 A few people were about , returning from church or walking home with a newspaper or a neatly wrapped pastry .
4 We could see Jane Russell again at the Empire , or walk up to the Arcadian to see Sanders of the River .
5 She could have refused to write that note to her parents or walk obediently to the car and climb into the boot .
6 Such preservation will be most likely where particular programs were run to determine the structural stability or the environmental efficiency of a building or the individual or institution commissioning the structure had been asked to accept a particular design after a ‘ virtual visit to or walk around of ’ the planned building .
7 So , as soon as the misbehaviour begins , turn away or walk away from your child ; pretend not to see or hear what is going on ; say nothing and try not to show any expression at all ; resist getting into any debate , argument or discussion with your child while he or she is misbehaving .
8 Now of course you may not be able to do anything to change the basic situation — you ca n't very well turn the children out onto the street or walk out on a job just because it is tedious .
9 Maybe she 'd win the pools or walk off with first prize in the national lottery !
10 But soon they too would be absorbed by the world of the camp , know their way about it in their sleep , do the washing-up and water-carrying once a week , or walk about like negroes in G-strings made out of a towel .
11 The followers are there for a day out in the countryside , the opportunity to ride or to walk freely over private property with the consent of the landowner .
12 Perhaps on a hundredth of those thousand times , seeing her there , it had moved him to think how in so many towns like Odborough men were looking up at her as they shut shops or walked home from mills and mines .
13 For example , you could jog or walk briskly for a mile or two for one exercise session ; use an exercise tape for another session ; and participate in something different like weight-training , or cycling , or a ball or racket game , for a third session in the week .
14 Every time he went into one of those phone-booths , he had a mental image of something going wrong , of a faster-than-usual trace , of a plain-clothes policeman being only a few yards away , taking the alarm on his personal radio and walking up to the phone-booth .
15 He had slept little these past three and a half weeks , often waking of his own accord in the pre-dawn darkness and walking through to his personal study to attempt to concentrate on papers of state .
16 The figure turning the corner and walking heavily down the road could not under any circumstances have been Edward , but at least it relieved her from the suspicion that the street was uninhabited .
17 After that by-election , I remember taking my place in this House and walking nervously towards Mr. Speaker .
18 Ursula flicked a fragment of cigarette ash off the sleeve of her black dress and added , almost as an afterthought , ‘ Poor Maurice , ’ before turning and walking away towards the house .
19 ‘ Now , I must go and read the children that story I promised them , and then I 'll have to pack my case , ’ he added , clearly considering the subject closed as he patted her hand before rising from the couch and walking away towards the twins ' bedroom .
20 He only started to relax when he was out on the stone-chip drive and walking away from the house .
21 Our cat , and I 've really watched her makes a point of going and walking slowly in the road .
22 He was tugging at his lower lip and walking slowly round Gabriel .
23 And walking together on thick-carpeted stairs , hand trailing a blackened balustrade , beams in the ceiling .
24 And so Branwell spent more and more time drinking , and taking laudanum , and walking alone on the moors .
25 ‘ Is it still light enough to work ? ’ asked Merymose , standing , and walking across to the doctor to look down at the body .
26 She saw , coming out of the hut and walking across towards the gate , Pete and Sammy , two of her youth volunteers .
27 To add to his dismay , both his clothing and parachute were so clogged with peat and mud after an interesting landing that I would have paid money to have witnessed , that packing his gear up and walking out with it was out of the question .
28 Prime Minister Vitold Fokin , however , took the offensive at the parliamentary session on July 3 , condemning attempts by parliament to interfere in government affairs , threatening the resignation of the Cabinet of Ministers , and walking out with all but two of his ministers .
29 I remember Trevor [ Howard ] just standing up and looking at him , mouthing a bad word and walking out of the room .
30 Your boyfriend certainly has a communication problem and walking out on an argument is very immature .
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