Example sentences of "[coord] so they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 James had stayed behind and Lewis had been sullen for the half-hour or so they 'd been walking before suddenly announcing he wanted to be alone .
2 Or so they 'd heard .
3 Some were wrapped in special plastic sheets that formed an airtight cover around their bodies ( or certain parts of the body , most often the belly and behind ) , so that the skin perspired all the more readily and the women , or so they believed , would lose weight more quickly .
4 I am King of England — or so they tell me !
5 No elil for miles , or so they tell me .
6 I did n't suffer from morning sickness but I 've become an insomniac over the months and had the good fortune ( or so they tell me ) to have a healthy foetus that started kicking me at thirteen weeks .
7 Beauty is , however , only skin deep , or so they tell us .
8 Or so they tell me . )
9 Or so they claim .
10 Currently on the market are two programs that allow , or so they claim , any printing device to emulate a real PostScript printer .
11 For an hour or so they continued to travel through the sighing trees , Cleo slumped against Dauntless 's back .
12 The Arab world , and especially Egypt , embarked upon a revolutionary process , shedding ( or so they thought ) the shackles of imperialism and colonialism , of which Israel remained the most striking example .
13 He tried not to think of that other night , more than five years ago , when he and Ebenezer had walked this same path , on their way — or so they thought — to release Izzy Kleiber .
14 It 's great for squashing files down so they 'll fit on a floppy or so they take up less hard disk space .
15 Or so they argued .
16 Mind you when she went home she noticed her accent was getting worse and worse and she was picking up a sort of English reticence or so they enjoyed telling her .
17 These brought in the cash , but had to be meticulously types with no rubbing out , or so they said .
18 The winds began in the night , or so they said .
19 He was fourteen years old , intelligent , forceful , capable of listening attentively to his ministers and then overruling them and going his own way , capable , even , or so they said , of arguing a case strenuously and sensibly against the king himself in Westminster , though he seldom won his way there ; but he was still a boy , unpractised , with little experience yet of living .
20 Once more it was impossible to get high enough to see over the neighbouring branches but he called down that he was reasonably sure that they were now at the southernmost end of the depression which contained the Swamp and that if after another mile or so they turned westward they could do so on dry land .
21 Once more it was impossible to get high enough to see over the neighbouring branches but he called down that he was reasonably sure that they were now at the southernmost end of the depression which contained the Swamp and that if after another mile or so they turned westward they could do so on dry land .
22 Their mothers , lifting the heavy vessels onto their heads to carry them home , clicked at the young ones ' improvidence , as they splashed and squirted spray at one another by thumbing the tap 's mouth — mistakenly , or so they cried out when scolded .
23 Sometime this year , when they find the five-bedroom house and 100 acres or so they want , they will take themselves and the building business they have run for 10 years down there permanently .
24 Taking all forms of consumer borrowing and saving in 1979 into account , private individuals saved some £21,000 million , against the £20,000 million or so they borrowed .
25 These were creatures above fashion or so they liked to think — their look characterized by exquisite dullness and a certain cock-eyed practicality , epitomized by the much favoured Barbour jacket .
26 Or so they say .
27 Petrolia Cats and dogs sense the earthquake 's imminence , or so they say .
28 Timing is everything , or so they say .
29 X marks the spot , or so they say .
30 On a clear day you can see as far as Dublin from the Great Car of Donard ( or so they say ) , but mist or heat haze have always foreshortened the view for me .
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