Example sentences of "[coord] [ex0] is evidence " in BNC.

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1 However , it should not be forgotten that local authorities are also responsible for providing services , and there is evidence to suggest that voters recognise that such services have to be paid for .
2 Recently , and at vast expense , Loch Ken has been revitalised and restocked , because it had become fishless ; and there is evidence that many other lochs , surrounded by conifer plantations , will need similar treatment to save them from ruin in the foreseeable future .
3 He sometimes claimed Jewish blood , sometimes denied it , and there is evidence that feelings about how Jews had been treated under the Nazi regime troubled him after he had settled in Germany .
4 However , it does cause similar abnormalities in monkeys and there is evidence that it may cause blood vessels in the limbs to leak , which leads to severe damage of the surrounding cells .
5 Heparin sulphate occurs on the surface of many cells including endothelial cells ( Lindahl & Hook , 1978 ) and there is evidence that both platelet factor 4 ( Busch et al , 1980 ) and β-thromboglobulin ( Hope et al , 1979 ) bind to cultured endothelial cells .
6 As discussed in section 3.2.1 , there is much debate as to when people first colonised the Americas but it occurred at least 12 kyr BP and there is evidence ( section 3.3.1 ) that some early plant and animal domestications occurred in Central and South America .
7 Both types of ‘ internal market ’ are present in Working for patients and there is evidence of tension between the two types of provision .
8 And there is evidence to suggest that sustained aerobic walking not only increases BMR but that the increased BMR continues permanently .
9 Firstly , the feeling for the tradition is very strong in the village ; secondly , Gawthorpe is an ancient settlement — its history can be traced back to a Viking chief named Gorky and there is evidence that it existed in Roman times ; thirdly , the original custom was to bring in a new May tree each year .
10 Street activities have increased by 60 per cent in Moabit and there is evidence elsewhere too of cafés , shops and restaurants spilling out into the street .
11 Most of the live and frozen foods are available in freeze-dried form and there is evidence to suggest that there is little nourishment lost in the freeze-drying process .
12 Sons and daughters of Caribbean and , to a lesser extent , African migrants of the post-war period , did have to face racialism and there is evidence to support this ( for instance , Daniel , 1968 ; Patterson , 1969 ) .
13 Nevertheless , workplace bargaining in Sweden is highly informal and there is evidence , certainly for the metalworking industry , that the works clubs have acted independently of the branches and headquarters of the national union ( Korpi , 1978b ) .
14 Nevertheless , workplace bargaining in Sweden is highly informal and there is evidence , certainly for the metalworking industry , that the works clubs have acted independently of the branches and headquarters of the national union ( Korpi , 1978b ) .
15 While serial position effects are found and there is evidence of the use of a visual store in the final items of the list , there is no evidence of ‘ articulatory ’ enhancement of recall in sign that one gets from overt rehearsal of spoken items .
16 Most of the top-flight executive search consultants who now operate at the very top end of the market have developed their search careers by some functional or industry specialisation and there is evidence that this will continue to be an important factor .
17 Gifts in kind Gifts in kind are no less important than money in family exchanges and there is evidence that these can include both goods and services , including the basic necessities .
18 However , it is important to note that such relationships , although dormant for a while , potentially can be reactivated and there is evidence that this does happen ( Firth , Hubert and Forge , 1970 , p. 155–6 ) .
19 Local professionals had not been responsible for developing a closure programme and there is evidence that rehabilitation was inadequately co-ordinated prior to renewed efforts in the latter part of the demonstration programme .
20 Do not use alcohol as a means of getting to sleep , this will simply lead to alcohol dependence and there is evidence that alcohol has a detrimental affect on the quality of your sleep .
21 The health-giving waters themselves could become commercial products and there is evidence in parts of the Roman world , of their bottling and distribution .
22 Epidemiological studies have established that cigarette smoking is a risk factor for cancer of the uterine cervix and there is evidence that the risk increases with duration of smoking .
23 The twenty-year-old sleeps with fewer interruptions than the thirty-six-year-old , and there is evidence that this increasing fitfulness in sleep continues throughout the lifespan , with sixty- six-year-olds sleeping more soundly than ninety-five-year olds .
24 The metabolic pathways through which chitin is formed are not fully established but enzymatic synthesis of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine from glucose has been demonstrated by Candy and Kilby ( 1962 ) and there is evidence for polymerization under the control of a chitin synthetase .
25 Of more widespread importance is manufacturing , especially in the smaller towns , and there is evidence of movement of manufacturing firms away from metropolitan regions into more peripheral regions of Britain including many rural areas .
26 Along with nitrates , phosphates actively encourage the growth of algaes ( particularly hair algae ) , and there is evidence that they can inhibit the growth of some marine invertebrates .
27 After synthesis of the initial strong stop cDNA , a 5'-3' jump must occur in which base pairing between the R sequence at the 3' end of the cDNA and the complementary R sequence at the 3' end of the viral RNA occurs , and there is evidence that NC protein is required for this jump ( 34 ) .
28 Differences in housing must be included in any account of inequality and there is evidence in Britain of a wide gap between the majority of the population who are well housed and the poor who occupy the worst accommodation .
29 Now the DNA operating system of a species is very very old indeed , and there is evidence that it , seen in the long term , does something a bit like the computer with its disc files .
30 But it need not be that way and there is evidence to prove it .
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