Example sentences of "[coord] [ex0] be times " in BNC.

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1 All this is , I know , easier to say than to do and there are times when everyone feels shy .
2 All of us have to face temptation and there are times , as with Nicky in the reading , when the pressures on us to do something wrong are very strong .
3 I was trained as a scientist , and there are times when science matters more than the individual .
4 However , ‘ she said that she now has really no friends or relations in the world and there are times when she feels very lonely .
5 All colours have their plus and minus points and there are times when a particular colour is best .
6 There are times when Chancellors are right to fuss with mini-measures , and there are times when they need to make an instant impact .
7 And there are times , like with Phantom of the Opera , where we got wonderful reviews , so we were laughing and happy .
8 And I feel that it , it is a difficult bala in practice it is difficult balance to achieve , to be polite , but to be firm at the same time erm but and there are times when that has to be done .
9 It is traditional to praise those who have died , and there are times when it is hard to recognise the person from the fine words , but in this case the words merely reflect a small insight into the very big man and loyal friend called David Pym .
10 Life is n't always like that for me and there are times when I do have
11 His trip here was a homecoming , and there were times when I could see in his eyes that he was reliving his first memories .
12 Off the pitch he gave much time to helping young players , while on it his play was never selfish , always for the team rather than his average ; and there were times when he batted in great pain rather than let the side down .
13 And there were times indeed , I think , that the effect of the very strong resistance to public-expenditure cuts and then the promulgation of an alternative economic strategy , which I myself was much concerned with , did have a very considerable effect .
14 He was just non compos mentis most of the time and there were times when you could be forgiven for forgetting that he was a woefully sick man .
15 Being an honest man , he tried to answer honestly , ; and there were times when he clearly found it difficult to reconcile the absolutism of his Church 's dogma with the dictate of his own conscience .
16 And there were times now , even amidst the hubbub of men , when the numbness reared its head again and made him think that eventually it would take over and he 'd descend into silence , cold unthinking silence .
17 Although their protection was n't evident Millie was conscious of it , and there were times when she felt as hemmed in as she had done during that tortured year or more when guarded by the sisters .
18 The Somerset attack suffered a good deal from injuries and an unsettled side in 1991 , and there were times when Mallender found himself carrying perhaps an unfair burden .
19 On more than one occasion he had had to remove a dead dog from the highway and take it in his barrow to the incinerator , and there were times when he had to take the place of a night watchman who had been taken ill on one of the larger roadworks and stay there until he could be relieved .
20 My grandmother fell ill and there were times when my mother said we should have stayed in Barcelona .
21 The NARCOG budget had apparently not stretched to air-conditioning , and there were times when life in Filanta Court was almost insupportable .
22 They made her feel loved , and there were times when she needed that very badly .
23 But , despite this assumption , they sat at the desk so closely that their bodies were almost touching , and there were times when his arm encircled her shoulders while he leaned forward to check additions on the electronic calculator .
24 All season she had been getting more and more angry with herself when she played badly and there were times , when she was at her most frustrated , that she would savagely scratch the skin from her forehead .
25 The boys and girls were kept strictly apart at the Garston baths , where I trained , and there were times when my mother had to take me in .
26 And there were times when he had to stop the car and put the bloody bottle on him .
27 As you see Jerry who was at ease with when he like everybody and there were times when his job got him down .
28 Chatting in the playground with parents and children will provide a great deal of valuable feedback on the success and popularity of the school but there are times when a more systematic gathering of opinion is needed to counter or confirm wishful thinking .
29 Vic is all in favour of backing Britain , but there are times when the Mail 's windy chauvinism gets on his tits .
30 But there are times like now when I really miss
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