Example sentences of "[coord] [ex0] [be] less " in BNC.

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1 The most popular size used to be the 4½in ( 108mm ) square tile , still available in a limited number of ranges , but displaced from the No 1 position by larger 152mm ( 6in ) square tiles , which are quicker to fix ( you need only 44 to cover a square metre of wall , compared with 86 of the smaller tiles , and there 's less grouting to do as well ) .
2 and there 's less chance of them getting lost because if we send it over to Monkland and it comes back here , it goes to Doctor , you know how he 's all over the place ,
3 With SABRE we can monitor more clearly and precisely and there 's less room for error .
4 At the operational level planning tasks will be simpler and there is less need to look for complex procedures as it would be like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut .
5 Now that God has revealed himself so fully in Christ , the value of the stakes of salvation are higher , and there is less excuse for lack of faith .
6 Castle continues to value video copyrights on a historical cost basis because its catalogue has only been built up over the last two or three years and there is less earnings experience on which to base a valuation .
7 In this supporting role your Orc units do n't need to be so large and there is less need to provide standards or characters .
8 And there is less risk of getting sand into the machinery , or the workers ' lungs .
9 These are essential for the exchange of oxygen in the blood : when they break down , the lung loses its elasticity and there is less surface in the lung to absorb oxygen .
10 Here we are on ground more familiar to the pre-reading child , and there is less need to analyse straightforward examples .
11 Perhaps I am being unnecessarily cynical but it seems that too much of a designer maker 's time is spent on public relations and maintaining the image and there is less willingness to share the things learned from technical and creative nightmares .
12 There are good reasons for this : first , Corinth was an oligarchy , and in oligarchies , unlike democracies such as Athens after 462 , magistrates are not accountable to the same extent and there is less need to put up inscriptions .
13 It has been suggested that now that unions ( and not merely officials ) may in certain circumstances be liable in damages for unlawful industrial action it is more likely that an employer will pursue his claim to a full trial and there is less reason to refuse an interlocutory injunction in trade dispute cases ; but it has also been said that the ‘ right to strike ’ is a valuable ( indeed essential ) element in the system of collective bargaining and that it ‘ should not be rendered less valuable than Parliament intended by too fanciful or ingenious a view of what might develop into a serious issue to be tried . ’
14 Privacy is very much less at minshuku , and there is less likelihood too of English-speaking staff .
15 Needle-knife papillotomy is probably a safer option than pre-cutting with a sphincterotome where the wire emerges from the end , as the direction of the cut is easier to control with the needle-knife and there is less danger of damage to the pancreatic duct .
16 In the closing stages of the tournament I felt that the message had got through to the players about staying on their feet , and there were less penalties given for this offence than in the pool games .
17 When the mother was able to anticipate a problem the children made fewer demands and there was less need to control the child .
18 Instead , the value of Italy 's currency shot to the top of the parameters and there was a mass inflow of money as people realised that it was a more stable currency and there was less of a case for high interest rates , which were brought down still further .
19 Maleczek has shown that from Innocent 's sixth year in office , 1203 – 4 , as the reign progressed , the pope worked more and more with a smaller group of cardinals , of whom the key members were Hugolinus , Pelagius and Guala , and there was less consultation of the whole college .
20 Now , with Government aid as a part of the national British Shipbuilders , modern equipment has been installed but there is less work due to foreign competition .
21 It takes a bit longer , but there is less trauma , meaning less pain and quicker healing .
22 These results seem to indicate some consistency in the relation between birth weight and lung function , but there is less consensus concerning the relation between birth weight and respiratory symptoms .
23 The natural jauntiness remained in his step but there was less confidence in his thoughts , it seemed .
24 The second trend produced change in the postcranial anatomy , leading to functional complexes similar to those of living great apes , but there was less change in the skull and particularly the teeth .
25 But there was less confidence that rapid growth could be ensured and less assurance that the gaps between the really poor and the better-off workers could be narrowed by the traditional remedies .
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