Example sentences of "[coord] [is] [adv] likely " in BNC.

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1 It seems plausible to suppose that unless a person enjoys or is soon likely to acquire effective power in a society he does not possess legitimate political authority over that society .
2 Neither the court nor a Chief Constable could compel an officer to do acts which can only lawfully be done if the officer himself with reasonable cause suspects that a breach of the peace has occurred or is imminently likely to occur .
3 They say that no need has been proven or is ever likely to be .
4 No single world currency exists ( or is ever likely to exist ) to facilitate trade and financial flows although some do perform monetary functions outside their national boundaries .
5 It 's not as if he 's ever seen either of us , or is ever likely to again , ’ Cara hissed , as one or two people turned to look at them .
6 He won there last year for the third time , beating Bertie Fisher , and is again likely to be the pace-setter .
7 The level of logical rigour is initially very low and is thus likely to lead to an unsuccessful solution .
8 Pupils should learn that Standard English is the language of wide social communication and is particularly likely to be required in public , formal settings .
9 If it does go through it will provide a double benefit for the UK-based telecommunications group and is also likely to be seen as a significant plus for Hong Kong 's stock market .
10 Though by no means uncommon , this approach wastes a great deal of staff time ( because the same titles will be listed and considered in several different sources ) and is also likely to lead to duplicate ordering .
11 This is very important because the act of cutting usually has immediate effects on tension and is also likely to evoke responses from other people which may serve to strengthen the urge to cut .
12 But they are keen on the average private investor because he does not expect to have lunch once a quarter and is less likely to sell out during a takeover bid .
13 The overweight person , on the other hand , is usually not so mindful of internal sensations as a cue for eating or abstaining , and is less likely to take exercise as an antidote to excess indulgence .
14 This technique employs a more gradual fixation procedure and is less likely to produce broken preparations showing artefactual losses of chromosomes .
15 The Boltzmann machine may miss the best solution and climb a foothill , or be stuck on a knife edge ; but the genetic learner has a broader view of many possible states , and is less likely to be so caught .
16 It eats steadily into the cutlery that never moves , and is never likely to .
17 The SAAF is the largest military user of the venerable Dak and is quite likely the largest user anywhere on the planet .
18 We conclude that DP-1 co-immunoprecipitates with Rb from JM cell extracts and is therefore likely to associate with Rb in vivo .
19 2 Source B is a propaganda poster produced by the suffragettes and is therefore likely to be heavily biased and also exaggerated .
20 If a fork results from repeats in the genome ( and is therefore likely to violate the neighbourhood rules given below ) , it is reasonable simply to make a break in the contig because it represents a limit of the experimental technique used and other approaches using longer probes or clones may help to close the gap .
21 But likely to be ruled out of the action is full-back Keith Proctor , who has suffered a reaction to his first game back after a six-week injury lay-off he played for the reserves last weekend and is now likely to have to see a specialist about his troublesome knee .
22 But likely to be ruled out of the action is fullback Keith Proctor , who has suffered a reaction to his first game back after a six-week injury lay-off he played for the reserves last weekend and is now likely to have to see a specialist about his troublesome knee .
23 Alternatively America could move towards a more British system of receivership , which puts creditors before shareholders , and is more likely to end in the firm simply ceasing to trade .
24 In one sense a later decision is more convenient , because it allows all useful information to be collated , and is more likely to lead to a considered expenditure of funds .
25 The less skilled negotiator feels vulnerable to losing the argument and is more likely to ‘ keep his cards close to his chest ’ ( see Openness on page 126 ) .
26 When approached by a predator , the tail attracts all the attention and is more likely to be attacked — the vulnerable head is thus spared damage .
27 The BC109C was selected as it claims to have a spread from 380 to 800 at 2mA and is more likely to be within the spec we require .
28 This is a different task from the usual lawn-mowing and conifer cutting , and is more likely to consist of sweeping of leaves from gravelled areas , and watering of moss , plus , of course , attention to the water quality of your pond .
29 The spread of readily available and simple means of contraception has meant that the wife is less likely to spend much of her life in the bearing and rearing of children and is more likely to seek employment outside the home , thereby developing a source of income and interests outside her traditionally defined role : ‘ … in Britain the proportion of all wives in paid work went up from 10 per cent in 1911 ( as it remained in 1931 ) to 26 per cent in 1951 and 42 per cent in 1971 ’ ( Young and Willmott , 1975 , p. 101 ) .
30 Second , local and regional government will have to be created and is more likely to require and use powers of economic initiative .
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