Example sentences of "[coord] [that] he knew " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It assumes that he went round armed with a little pistol , or that he knew where to lay hands on one in the house . ’
2 We know that Brahms kept a keen eye open for new music , and that he knew Rheinberger — what I wonder is whether it was the Rheinberger Sonata that suggested to Brahms the form for the last movement of his Symphony ?
3 He said that was fine and that he knew that the sails would be as good as the last suit that we had made for him .
4 He was diffident , seemingly vague , declaring a lack of knowledge and ignorance of education and of teaching , and that he knew only what he had learned through his own work as a painter .
5 And I heard Monks say that he 'd seen Oliver in the street , and that he knew at once Oliver was the child he was looking for , although I could n't hear why .
6 By demurring to that plea , the plaintiff admits that he had no cause of action against the defendant in the action therein mentioned , and that he knew it .
7 But would n't you feel a lot better if you knew that you 'd kicked him back — and that he knew it too ?
8 Although she did not look at Jake , she could feel he was watching her and that he knew what had stopped her dead in her tracks .
9 Interviewed by police Paterson said he and Bailey had gone to investigate a broken window at the hangar and that he knew nothing about how the fire started .
10 He then answered her gently , saying that he did not know that particular poet but that he knew so-and-so and so-and-so from Italy .
11 ‘ Perhaps not , ’ Travis agreed , then said how he 'd dearly love to ring Rosemary at her parents ' home , but that he knew for sure that he could definitely give up even the frail hope he had left of sharing his life with Rosemary if he did that .
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