Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] all the " in BNC.

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1 They were used to heavy work as they had to run the crofts & do all the work themselves when their husbands were away on the boats .
2 This is as true of child protection work as of any other field , and indeed perhaps the very dangerousness of the work ( for professionals and clients alike ) and the appalling nature of some of the cruelties and neglects make such professional jealousy and prejudice all the more likely .
3 The films were inevitably foreign and subtitled , and even if we did n't understand them it was as though through exposure to some cinematic photosynthesis we would absorb the esoteric and become all the better intellectually for it .
4 They have to run the beastly place and do all the work . ’
5 They are novels in which the main characters debate topical social and economic issues as well as fall in and out of love , marry and have children , pursue careers , make or lose their fortunes , and do all the other things that characters do in more conventional novels .
6 If you think the church you are concerned about is ‘ Fund-worthy ’ , find out what the Council for the Care of Churches and the national societies feel about its quality and do all the lobbying you can .
7 I use a room at the Grand Hotel twice weekly , on a Tuesday and Thursday evening and do all the teaching myself .
8 ‘ We felt that by cutting out the broker to reduce the cost , building up a team of very friendly tele-sales and tele-service operators to talk to customers and explain and do all the form filling for them , they would eventually sign .
9 Maybe , just maybe , one of the reasons why Sun Microsystems Inc 's SuperSparc Viking chip has n't gone as smooth as silk is because Sun 's lead engineers did n't listen to the young pups and do all the simulation runs they should have to begin with .
10 Are these really necessary and do all the sections of the list need to have them ?
11 The tenants , on the other hand , had long since realised that if they could n't boil a kettle or breathe and do all the things normal families do without causing condensation dampness , then there must be something wrong with the houses , not with the people who live in them .
12 And do all the stars have gravity ? ’
13 ‘ You go , ’ she said to Mrs Chamberlin , ‘ You go and do all the things you have to do .
14 They might turn up on time and do all the right things , or they might not .
15 It was time to get up from what everyone else regarded as the mire and do all the conventional things again .
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