Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] exactly what " in BNC.

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1 Ms Pallis could not name the other party or say exactly what kind of development was proposed .
2 Verbatim notes are used where you want to record everything that is being said in a lecture or copy exactly what appears in print in a book or magazine article .
3 A bustling market , dark , smokey houses and a busy wharf have all been re-created in accurate detail so that you can experience in sight , sound and smell exactly what it was like to live and work in the Viking city of Jorvik .
4 If an organiser does not co-ordinate and monitor and know exactly what 's going on at each stage , then ultimately he has only himself to blame if something goes wrong .
5 It 's very important to be precise and know exactly what you 're talking about on these , cos you 'll get
6 This technique has been used by salespeople for many years and consequently should be used with care , especially with professional buyers who are likely to have experienced its use many times and know exactly what the salesperson is doing .
7 Well no because unless they put the system in and know exactly what it was there are so many different ways of delivering water .
8 The more you relish the moment and remember exactly what it felt like and what movements were involved , the better .
9 Think about each one and decide exactly what the problem is .
10 Says Renault UK 's Marketing Director , : ‘ We have closely analysed the executive sector to find out where our strengths and weaknesses lie and formulate exactly what buyers in this sector demand from their cars .
11 Listen carefully and do exactly what I say .
12 He still felt extremely nervous about what might happen once they left the warren and had decided that the best way to avoid trouble would be to keep close to Hazel and do exactly what he said .
13 Think , too , about the circumstances under which you can not keep to your resolves , and analyse exactly what it is that makes you behave the way you do .
14 What we must do is see what the problems are from the owner 's point of view and analyse exactly what is going on .
15 First we need to look more closely at ‘ chemicals ’ and discover exactly what they are .
16 I think I 'll ask Willi to go into the side studio and see exactly what he 's up to .
17 It 's crazy , it 's crazy , if only people again 'd sit back and look at it and see exactly what 's happening , rather than saying it serves them right , they should n't of done this , they should n't of got themselves into that position they 're in that position
18 ‘ Now take your time ’ , I offered , ‘ and explain exactly what 's happened ’ .
19 it 's disheartening , it 's disheartening but do exactly what Amanda says , wait until September when all the colleges are in the paper , the colleges have got to be filled up , they get budgets and they got to fill them up , the colleges up with
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