Example sentences of "[coord] [vb mod] give [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The Tribunal may reserve its judgement or may give its decision after a retirement before the close of the meeting .
2 No court can or should give him direction on such a matter .
3 No court can or should give him direction upon such a matter .
4 Many of them offer a mail-order service or can give you details of your local stockist .
5 and let's give them some encouragement by awarding them the goal of the week … it was their first against Wycombe Wanderers on Tuesday night scored by centre forward Chris Pike … we want more
6 Hefter and May give us no reason to modify this statement .
7 I was one of those asked to provide an opinion or two for the Murray investigations , and must give them credit for thoroughness of their enquiries and for most of the conclusions they reached .
8 He can luff you , but rule 40 says that , prior to the start , luffing must be slow and must give you room and opportunity to keep clear .
9 If traffic lights are used they should have embedded loops to detect approaching cyclists and should give them longer green phases .
10 Most rowing clubs do n't insist on immediate payment of an annual membership fe ( usually between £80 and £100 ) and should give you the opportunity to train with other club members before making a commitment .
11 Then the woman took a paper bag out and I thought she had some sweets and might give one to me .
12 The career support scheme , which would be voluntary , would put people seeking advice in touch with others who had already experienced their particular problem and could give them the benefit of their knowledge .
13 little bits , little bits and I 'll buy you your tobacco Neil nothing much but little bits of something now if he were working and could give me the full sixty that is thirty for his room and thirty for his food so that I did n't have to worry about th actually paying for him but he was paying me Paul is going to pay me fifty that 's thirty pounds in , I made a rule to Paul that he is going to eat thirty pounds worth of food and there are only twenty pounds in my profit and then the other rule , a man called Alan this window cleaner he wants the room that I 'm in at the moment
14 This stage resembles planning your essay outline , and could give you your necessary paragraph headings ( particularly since an exam essay gives room for only a few paragraphs ) .
15 It was only after some years that he found the Thun-Hohensteins , who had also taken refuge in Bavaria , and could give it back to them .
16 If any reader had found any items relating to the Bristol and Gloucestershire volunteers of any period , I should be most interested to hear from them , and would give what advice I could .
17 It allows the lining of the womb to return to normal , and would give her some idea of how long her menstrual cycle was .
18 She only had about fifty pence left from the money she had borrowed from her stepfather the day before , but she hoped that the young Italian barman , who fancied her , had not yet been sacked or moved on and would give her a margarita , free .
19 Grunte had promised to think it over and would give her his advice at lunch over Langan 's warm salad of duck followed by white chocolate ice cream .
20 Hank had no doubt that , sooner or later , old tabby-cats like the MacDonald woman would get wind of it and would give his mother hell about it .
21 He , like most of their bodyguards , was devoted to the royal family and would give his life for them .
22 Above all , show them that you care and will give them all the support and help you can — even if they are in trouble with the law
23 Parents know what their children are longing for and will give them what they want , even if every piggy bank in the house has to be broken open .
24 instead , arranging activities together will help the young person to know that you care and will give them other things to do .
25 On the foregoing conditions the Goldsmiths ' Company will grant to the Corporation a lease of the School Buildings and Land connected therewith free of rent for 999 years , and will give them a perpetual endowment of £290 per annum in addition to the sum of £10 which they are bound to pay under the will of Sir Edmond Shaa ; but the Lease and the Endowment Grant shall contain clauses giving the Goldsmiths ' Company the right of re-entry in the one case and making the annuity to cease in the other on breach of any or either of the conditions above named . "
26 This will allow John to expand and will give him the feeling that someone will listen to him .
27 This is an ideal species to be grown in the background of the tank and will give it a very natural look .
28 Honing your skills like this is very enjoyable and will give you confidence if you ever have to land along a very narrow line such as a pathway .
29 Many insurers have a link with an emergency assistance organisation such as Mondial , GESA or Europ Assistance and will give you a local 24-hour phone number to call should you need sudden medical or repatriation help .
30 They are usually very , very helpful and will give you far more information than you will find in the ‘ search ’ documents .
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