Example sentences of "[coord] [subord] it goes " in BNC.

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1 But I 'm very young , and if it goes wrong , I can always do something else . ’
2 She could hear Mary Deare droning on : ‘ Her light is going faint , and if it goes out that means she is dead .
3 And if it goes down another one ?
4 And if it goes the other way , and he 's called guilty of murder , then , worse , he 'll hang . ’
5 So Steve and myself are er have done a done a bid that we should know today whether or not it 's going to the main group , and if it goes to the main group , there 's a great chance it 'll be accepted .
6 And if it goes more than that , I said , it can go , I said .
7 For two hours our own guns have been bombarding us , and if it goes on I shall take my company and bombard the gunner with these grenades ! ’
8 just pushing it in and and if it goes that 's it , you , you want to question every thing
9 And when it goes down to a water hole to drink it crouches down and awkwardly sips with its mouth .
10 Now quite clearly the new settlement erm when it , if and when it goes ahead will be outside erm the area of the green belt and which by definition is by and large the area of the Greater York er er study area , and I think in response to er Mr 's point , we 've accepted as a need for a er a minor amendment to the wording of policy H one to reflect that er that reality .
11 I therefore put it to him that he has really now er a definite choice , he can seek to resist most of these amendments and I have n't a slightest doubt they 'll be put into the Bill er the Bill will be drastically altered thereby er and when it goes back to another place nobody quite knows er wh what will happen to it , or he can use his very considerable powers of conciliation er by taking a little time for further consideration .
12 And it goes and when it goes off you have ten seconds to get up at night then
13 It takes a little of the Continental Plate with it , producing a rare and exotic melt of rock ; and as it goes down and melts , and as its volume changes and its physical chemistry alters , so this deep-diving mess of ocean rock contorts and winces , and deep-seated earthquakes and violent eruptions occur .
14 Ever since Cherith , I 've vowed that I 'd just take love as it comes — and as it goes .
15 up like that and as it goes up it gets thinner
16 And as the particles go round and round this racetrack , it 's a bit like a car with its headlights going on , and as it goes faster and faster the car headlights more or less catch up with each other , you see what I 'm saying .
17 God knows what had possessed me to put my proper name on my real driving licence , but once it goes into the DVLC computer , it stays .
18 If it need it to share the cost of the new one but once it goes on the
19 But if it goes out of control again , there is a one-in-three chance it will happen while beyond the reach of ground control .
20 But if it goes down that route , it will face some criticism from its members .
21 Any sign of browning or other discolouration could be the onset of die-back , and if this is confirmed , you may be able to trim it away , but if it goes back below the node , you will have to prune back to the next growth bud irrespective of its direction .
22 Confidence is hard to measure , so worries about it are easy to dismiss — but when it goes you can generally tell by counting the dole queues .
23 There are , of course , many occupations in which similar demands of constant readiness are made , but when it goes on for twenty years or more it is inclined to upset a good domestic relationship .
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