Example sentences of "[coord] [noun prp] arrive at " in BNC.

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1 Onward travel is via Belgium and Germany to arrive at our centre around lunch time the following day .
2 Display Teams from Berks and Surrey arrived at Oak Park Community School , Havant , on The Day , meeting up with slightly apprehensive teams from Chichester and Cosham .
3 To confuse the issue even more , at least from Catt 's point of view , her letter from Gedge , Solowka and Gregory arrived at a time when she thought that her role in the group was about to become more prominent .
4 Today , though , Gray wo n't have the chance for another unconventional greeting when Arsenal and Wright arrive at Tottenham for the 216th derby between the clubs — Spurs lead 86-85 in wins .
5 The path starts at Hellesdon north-west of Norwich and makes its way towards Drayton , Attlebridge , Lenwade and Blackwater to arrive at Thelmthorpe .
6 Maddison and Shearer arrived at the Dell from their native north-east at the same time and shared a house when they were virtual unknowns .
7 When you and Chantal arrived at that accommodation agency I had just been talking to the proprietor .
8 As arranged with the Commander , Milton and Pooley arrived at ffeatherstonehaugh 's at ten o'clock the following morning .
9 The realisation that the transition from exclusion to inclusion is a slow manoeuvre and that community care evolves rather than happens became clear soon after Elizabeth and Helen arrived at their new home .
10 Although she and Robert arrived at their London hotel quite late , and admittedly she was somewhat tired from the journey , the strain of the ceremony , she was all the same a little surprised when they booked in and were shown to a suite which Robert explained was hers — alone .
11 Syl and Robert arrived at the same time and my mother poured them drinks .
12 When his son and Devraux arrived at his side , however , he was still squinting through the sights of his raised rifle , watching the herd break up to enter the jungle .
13 Onward travel is via Belgium , Germany and Austria to arrive at Alsopahok mid afternoon the following day .
14 Morse and Lewis arrived at the Chesterton Hotel in Bath at 10.35 a.m. the following morning .
15 Ruth and Rosie arrived at the pub as it was closing for the afternoon .
16 On the allotted day , he and Joan arrived at the office for a ten-o'clock wedding , carrying with them a gift of two enormous chairs of the type popular with minor African potentates .
17 Before they had parted on the Flamingo she had given Ernest the name of the boardinghouse where the Carsons had made arrangements to stay , and he had promised to write to her the minute he and Charlotte arrived at their destination .
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