Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] once [art] " in BNC.

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1 He 's a soldier that gives everything ; throws himself at the enemy and for once every ball , he touched finished in the back of the net .
2 Its brief revival was sparked by Dziekanowski who fed Tarasiewicz and for once a long shot had Shilton in trouble .
3 ‘ It 's perfect , ’ the woman had said ; and for once a shop assistant had said no more than the truth .
4 The streets and bars were deserted , and for once the incessant noise and bustle had abated .
5 ‘ I d-do n't know , Sir , ’ Lexandro stuttered ; and for once the title of Sir came sincerely to his lips .
6 The BBC 's Ski Sunday made Val d'Isere its TV curtainraiser , and for once the Criterium of the First Snow could boast a carpet of real snow .
7 I turned and looked out over the slanted , foreshortened wedge of streets and stocky tenements , and for once the strain in my ears found the appropriate line , the right score .
8 And for once the finale — everyone coming together to sing Dylan 's Chimes of Freedom — seemed not corny but exactly right .
9 She felt as if he was paying homage to their love , his every caress a thanksgiving , and for once the wildness left them alone so their loving was a thing of tenderness and healing , of joy and celebration .
10 Campana fired a red rocket , and for once the 75s replied ; right in the middle of the advancing Germans .
11 So the girls threw the hairbrush behind them , and at once a dense thicket grew up .
12 He sat , and at once a page came out of the shadows with a tray which contained cups and a flask of wine .
13 I wish it would n't go so fast ! ’ she thought — and at once the broomstick 's pace slowed .
14 But then , unexpectedly , he finds that his fault has been overlooked or forgiven and at once the world reappears in brilliant colours , full of delightful prospects .
15 It spun as it went , and at once the spinning of earth and sky seemed to centre on it , as if on a vortex .
16 They saw Ruth 's crumpling face , and at once the lips curved upward , laughing , and sang louder .
17 He sat down in a vacant chair and at once the younger cadet hurried to serve him with tea from a spotless samovar .
18 Burun shot , and at once the torches flared .
19 Artai sat down , and at once the people began to shout his name .
20 It would be the way of our century to say that I was suffering from time-shock , no doubt ; since our personality is largely built and buttressed by our environment , and the assumptions environment and society force upon us , one has but to tip away that buttress and at once the personality is threatened with dissolution .
21 But for once the weather was fine , the place was right on the other side of the airfield on the edge of open country , so we wandered about a bit , picking wild flowers and so on , and on the way back in the truck who should we see approaching in the distance , on foot , but our old pal Flt Off Gregory .
22 After they had gone , Harriet took herself for a long walk over the cliffs , but for once the beauty of her surroundings , the early evening light on the sea , the cry of gulls and the distant sound of waves breaking on the shore below , failed to soothe her .
23 But for once the spotlight wo n't be on Paul Malone 's form team Ards , chasing a League Cup and Bass Cup double .
24 The Hurricanes dived on them , but at once the escorting fighters were on their tails ; at least two ‘ convoys ’ were noted of Ju87 , Hurricane , Bf109E in line astern , all firing .
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