Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] a couple " in BNC.

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1 It may be on a one-to-one basis or with a couple where one partner has impaired hearing .
2 In all but a few cases , a solution will be provided immediately or within a couple of hours .
3 The proportions of elderly people living in households who were neither living alone nor as a couple on their own fell by about half in the period 1961 to 1981 , so there is reduced scope for similar falls to occur in the future .
4 Jewish law teaches us that sex is equally important between a married couple who wish to have children and between a couple where the woman may be infertile or menopausal .
5 And for a couple of hours they had talked .
6 Terry and I were worst hit and for a couple of days I was left off the chain so that I could use the toilet whenever I needed .
7 Soon , though , Horsewoman Clair Dalton will be establishing a regular service around the town and for a couple of pounds , you 'll be able to step back in time and view the famous architecture in the same way that the Spa Towns Regency Founders did .
8 A Localised Puddle of Indifference I guess Gary Gibson is going to have to do more routes just to keep people 's minds ticking over during winter ) HVS , is said to be the best of the bunch and worth a couple of stars .
9 You are invited to a party and after a couple of drinks you decide a few crisps or nuts will not hurt .
10 I 've been a sportsman all my life and after a couple of years away from the game on a daily basis , I 'm happy to be coming back .
11 Eventually he put his shoulder to it , and after a couple of bruising attacks the door fell in — and he with it .
12 Still , I 'm glad I stole Friday and Saturday to see the boys , and after a couple of hours ' sleep , I awoke refreshed and looking forward to the arrival of David Grindrod for lunch .
13 Plants will normally come to bloom earlier in a greenhouse than outside , but in either case the most propitious time for the operation is during a spell , and after a couple of days , of bright sunny weather .
14 Take this turn and after a couple of miles the road narrows incredibly through the hedges and stone houses of the village .
15 Many diets fail because they do not provide the variety of foods that the body craves and after a couple of enthusiastic days the willpower begins to weaken .
16 They are extremely active little animals and after a couple of weeks , as soon as their fur is grown and their eyes are open , they start to supplement their mother 's milk with insects and other invertebrates that they find for themselves .
17 I phoned the Packard Bell hotline and after a couple of days ' wait they were very helpful .
18 Kell , his back exposed to many knives , was bizarrely blamed by Churchill for the ‘ skill and daring ’ of the submarine that destroyed the Royal Oak , and after a couple more botched jobs was summarily dismissed .
19 The audience was n't going to let Del Amitri get away and after a couple of minutes to catch their breath back , Justin and company returned to give us some more .
20 she said well it happened to me , it 's the chemicals on the skin of the fruit and the tomatoes , that 's what brought your spots on and after a couple of days or whatever they went away .
21 Taking first the retirement pension of a single person at £52 and of a couple at £83.25 , the single person 's pension as a percentage of the couple 's pension is 62 per cent .
22 By then , and with a couple of non-championship wins under his belt , Emerson and the whole Lotus team knew they were onto a winner in I972 .
23 The view from these peaks is fantastic , and with a couple of cable cars you do n't need to be a mountaineer to enjoy them .
24 He 's now 41 and with a couple more deals he 'll be Britain 's youngest ever self-made billionaire .
25 The picture side featured some green-and-white palace , all columns and arched windows and with a couple of tourist buses parked off to the side .
26 Married off and with a couple of babies to boot .
27 We then voted on a lengthy Liberal resolution er , it was amended by Labour we voted on all of the separate points in the resolution , all were agreed and then Professor decided that he wanted to move a further amendment which after some consultation , some discussion with the legal people about it 's validity , he did which wiped out all of the things that we 'd just agreed and we turned to the original Conservative motion minus the beginning phrase and with a couple of things stuck on at the end and we thought well that 's it the Conservatives will vote for that , but no although it was their own motion in all but name , the Conservatives would n't vote for that unless Mr was allowed to move it .
28 Choose a person , blindfold her , give her the cushion and then turn her round and round a couple of times so she is unaware as to which direction she is in .
29 Mrs Jelbart must be working out well as a housekeeper , and from a couple of things her father had said , Belinda gathered that she seemed to care about the Jones boys in a more personal way too .
30 Make a X-cut in the top of the stump with a knife , and within a couple of months a series of small cabbages will develop from the cuts .
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