Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] facility for " in BNC.

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1 On Aug. 21 , senior members of the defence and security forces ceased membership of UNIP 's central committee , and a commitment was made not to use defence or security facilities for political activities .
2 The product consists of a migration suite , development tools and emulation facilities for 5250 terminals .
3 The product consists of a migration suite , development tools and emulation facilities for 5250 terminals .
4 There is also research glass space in Edinburgh for the cultivation of tender and tropical species for research , and quarantine facilities for the treatment of wild-collected material .
5 It is a two storey structure which contains conference facilities and computer facilities for the University as a whole .
6 More trees should be planted along roads and in parks and play facilities for children should be created .
7 The Centre provides postgraduate teaching and research facilities for planners in the fields of settlements , shelter and environmental planning in less developed and rapidly urbanising countries .
8 They help provide tuition materials and college facilities for examination candidates and some run revision courses .
9 IMS and CICS testing and management facilities for OS/2 can be accessed directly from ADMVS panels .
10 You know what whatever the situation is we we done it by then , but er we we do they they are guaranteeing to supply us with an office and telephone facility for up to three weeks .
11 Remember their contact demands that they provide you with an office desk and telephone facility for three weeks
12 Certainly when you arrive at the school they are committed by their contract to provide you with a desk office and and telephone facilities for two to three week or the duration of the assignment .
13 Wheelchair access and toilet facilities for the disabled — please make an advance booking .
14 Mr George McMillan , from east Belfast , claimed the law was on his side and premises such as the bookies , a Stanley Racing shop , are required to have both access and toilet facilities for disabled people .
15 It had been established to report on existing conditions of banking and credit , and to consider feasible steps in respect of the provision of banking and credit facilities for agriculture , industry and trade .
16 Tariffs are high and credit facilities for vendors are normally controlled by the administration .
17 The Regulations cover working environment , such as temperature and ventilation ; safety , such as condition of floors and escalators ; facilities , such as toilets and washing facilities — there are new provisions here regarding rest areas with arrangements for non-smokers and rest facilities for pregnant women and nursing mothers ; and house-keeping , such as maintenance of the work-place , equipment and facilities .
18 Videos are produced in both English and the local language , Kannada , and the Media Centre also has production and library facilities for radio , audio cassettes , slides , photographs and fine arts .
19 although in recent years there have been significant improvements in the provision of research and library facilities for M.P.s these still lag fir behind those available to their counterparts abroad .
20 The Law Society 's Hall in London continued to provide valuable meeting and dining facilities for members , and the banqueting and functions centre was restructured to provide clients with one-stop booking service .
21 By providing interactive and exciting programmes for women on a daily basis , and creche facilities for their children , Lloyd effectively widened the potential membership base for his clubs , a move that has paid off handsomely , with waiting lists in many of the disciplines at four of the clubs .
22 This provided accommodation and restaurant facilities for anglers , caravanners , backpackers and water sport enthusiasts .
23 The type of new installations that will be allowed if the paper becomes law are farm shops , sport and recreation facilities for activities such as clay pigeon shooting , BMX bikes and wargames , car parks , refreshment areas and educational centres would also burgeon .
24 It includes a high availability array system for clustered environments , resource and storage management facilities , a graphical user interface called the Visual System Manager , Fairshare — a control and allocation facility for workload prioritising , network queuing , RxFS — a reliant file system , and C2 security functions .
25 It provides a family doctor service with access to specialist and hospital facilities for each student who is registered with the University physicians .
26 It provides a family doctor service with access to specialist and hospital facilities for each student who is registered with the University physicians .
27 In addition , the firm recruited cricketers for its publicity functions and was given free tickets and entertainment facilities for the Test matches .
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