Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] smaller [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Instead of one large corporate body , like the BBC , ITV comprised a dozen or so smaller production companies , all making , and prerecording , programmes for sale to each other and overseas .
2 The exterior surface of most ammonoids is covered with ribbing — dense on some species , sparse on others — the ribs often split into two or more smaller ribs as they pass over the back of the whorls .
3 The only music which is really non-tonal is that based on chromatic clusters of semitones ( or even smaller intervals ) , where no single tone can predominate .
4 Some of these developed into villages , others remained the same , yet others disappeared or shrank to farmsteads or even smaller hamlets .
5 when the wars finished in 1815 , the greater part of the military presence in Sussex was soon withdrawn ; the towers were left to crumble and much smaller garrisons of troops remained in the principal towns , both for ceremonial duties and as a deterrent to the possibility of physical violence among the growing population .
6 These show a growing number of older people entering active retirement and much smaller youth age groups entering employment .
7 In its place there are more flexible forms of worship and much smaller attendances .
8 Much larger than the other black-necked geese , and distinguished from Barnacle especially by longer neck , generally brownish plumage and much smaller extent of white on face .
9 She walked up a gravel drive crowded with large cars , past an old-fashioned wooden pavilion and two clay tennis courts , ignored the adult game going on in front of her and started around the boundary to the second and much smaller game in the far corner .
10 Salbutamol caused a large increase in FEV 1 after placebo and progressively smaller increases after salmeterol 50 , 100 , and 200 µg ( table I , figure ) .
11 These and possibly smaller collections held by some ministers would rarely be available .
12 Again the Monkey-boy together with a rather fragile-looking , unusually pretty and even smaller friend , ‘ 'Artley ’ , proudly led away the horse .
13 From paler forms of much smaller Tawny Owl , differs also in its long tail , which hangs down in flight , and relatively smaller eyes .
14 There has been a small reduction in cigarette smoking , to 1,008 per capita ; military spending fell in 1990 and figures for 1991 were expected to show a further decline ; and significantly smaller quantities of ozone-depleting chemicals are being produced ; but , disturbingly , grain production has fallen while population continues to grow at record rates .
15 The filopodia pull the sheet right across the cavity until it makes contact with the other side where it meets and fuses with another but much smaller invagination which is the future mouth .
16 Dr Dan Wright , research officer , says : ‘ Our findings contrast very much with a similar but much smaller study in the US which showed that almost 100 per cent of the study remembered exactly what they were doing when Kennedy was killed . ’
17 The biggest males can exclude all rivals and enjoy a monogamous relationship with a female , but slightly smaller males may have to share the territory , and the female , with another male .
18 Nutritious snacks will supplement the normal meals and avoid the child feeling overfull at any one point but then smaller quantities will be eaten at meal-times .
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