Example sentences of "[coord] [noun pl] that arise " in BNC.

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1 The tensions and conflicts that arose out of Italy 's struggle for unification were paralleled in the art of the nineteenth-century by the antagonism between Romanticism and Realism .
2 The majority of the budget consisted of relatively uncontrollable expenditure ; uncontrollable in the sense of outlays for entitlement programmes , such as social security and unemployment benefits , and outlays that arose from previous electoral obligations .
3 Good planning gives you thinking time , the chance to anticipate problems and find ways of avoiding those stresses and crises that arise because you have n't enough time to deal with the unexpected .
4 He is able to treat most of the situations and problems that arise in the course of everyday life as matters of routine .
5 The men and their jobs — the individual building blocks — are to be glued together by supervisors who will absorb the uncertainties and variabilities that arise in the work situation .
6 The everyday defects and difficulties that arise , such as the catering truck that backs into an aircraft puncturing the pressurised fuselage near the door or the mainwheel tyre that throws its tread on take-off , and the thousand and one other events that amount to a deviation from normal operation of the aircraft , are all investigated to some extent , according to how serious they might be , and a report is raised to the appropriate department which should then effect the necessary corrective action .
7 All the changes and symptoms that arise are noted and studied to detect patterns and trends that are characteristic and commonly occur .
8 Very little is known historically about Roland , but his fame lives on in the Chanson de Roland and legends that arose not long after his heroic death .
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