Example sentences of "[coord] [be] [pers pn] simply " in BNC.

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1 Or am I simply what they expect me to be ?
2 Or are we simply being made aware of the interrelatedness of life and the fact that when one form of life suffers other forms of life suffer in some degree ?
3 Or are you simply afraid to show openly what you can do where he 's been before you ? ’
4 Or were they simply concerned at the number of rules that were being broken by the programme 's makers ?
5 Does the association of low pitch with authority and high pitch with lack of it have any reasonable basis , or is it simply a sexist prejudice through which everything that marks a speaker out as female becomes a cause for complaint and a proof of inferiority ?
6 Why is there a shortage of money for our teams and travelling coaches , or is it simply that the LTA 's overpaid employees are anxious to preserve their lifestyles at the expense of British tennis ?
7 Is this due to changing ideas about how the British system of government should be organised , widely held , or is it simply that the government of the day is using its power to change the system in the pursuit of its own political goals ?
8 Is this new found optimism justified or is it simply ‘ flavour of the month ’ — a mixture of ‘ hype ’ by the practitioners seeking large grants , the biotechnology companies , striving in the corporate stakes and journalists ( whose favourite words are ‘ cure ’ and ‘ breakthrough ’ ) ?
9 For example if the business primarily sells paperclips does it include the design , manufacture , packing and sale of the paperclips or is it simply a sales outlet ? ( 2 ) Second , understand what assets the vendor uses in order to conduct the business being sold , where these assets are located and who owns them .
10 Miss or is it simply that er when the male rang up to say about Lawrence at has a gun and that he is the caller who is concerned for the safety of the occupiers .
11 Is he genuinely anxious to give the black majority full political rights , or is he simply interested in the survival of Afrikanerdom ?
12 ( If government would support a veterinary school in Edinburgh , why did it not do so in London , or was it simply not asked ? ) .
13 Or was it simply a hope at last of the services of those enchanting houris in Paradise ?
14 Or was it simply that she looked like a large , mobile bag of laundry ?
15 Or was it simply fear ?
16 Are we to deduce from this that Vincent saw Theo as an artist-manqué , or was he simply trying , not too hard in this instance , to shift the guilt a child feels before a self-sacrificing parent ?
17 Was it , I wondered , his natural reaction to something extraordinary , and did he therefore use it on the stage , or was he simply acting and registering what he thought was the appropriate emotion under the circumstances ?
18 Or was he simply placing a cloak of scientific respectability over the peculiarly oppressive relationships of turn-of-the-century Vienna ?
19 Or was she simply mad , suffering perhaps from some well-known form of psychosis ?
20 Or was she simply going to drive up to the front door and announce herself ?
21 It is not just a coincidence , nor is it simply a matter of ‘ preferred newspeak ’ that the ‘ local financial management ’ ( LFM ) of the pilot projects of the mid-1980s has become the ‘ Local Management of Schools ( LMS ) required by legislation .
22 Nor is it simply a matter of politics that most of the democratic dissident-led parties fared poorly at the polls .
23 Nor is it simply looking at them with no further end in mind , which might be the listless action of someone who can think of nothing else to do .
24 Nor is it simply a question of the structural differences between British industry and much of its Continental counterpart .
25 And nor is it simply a question of numbers — among these studies are some of the subtlest , most ingenious and most penetrating essays written in our time , and the factor common to almost all , the naive or the clumsy as well as the brilliant , is the conviction explicit or implicit that Joyce is an outstanding , indeed for some the outstanding , modern writer .
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