Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] seemed to " in BNC.

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1 Somebody or something seemed to be trying to speak to her but she felt cut off like a prisoner in a sound-proof box .
2 It seems or it seemed to us till lately — a natural thing that love ( under certain conditions ) should be regarded as a noble and ennobling passion : it is only if we imagine ourselves trying to explain this doctrine to Aristotle , Virgil , St Paul , or the author of Beomuy , that we become aware how far from natural it is .
3 There were bodies everywhere and everyone seemed to be screaming and crying .
4 Even their religious faith was subtly different from her own : they seemed hemmed in by a regiment of saints , feasts , rules , indulgences , penances and novenas , and everyone seemed to be permanently on guard against saying or doing anything that might be deemed heretical .
5 There were no forks , and everyone seemed to be using either his fingers or a knife .
6 The goat bells receded and I seemed to be moving through even deeper layers of peace .
7 As I left the room I seemed to be in a school and I saw many children in the hall and I seemed to be late for a class .
8 At eight o'clock I could see the faces of the audience well enough , but by and by the room became quite dark , and I seemed to be addressing an audience of silent and attentive ghosts .
9 He also bought a teaspoonful of tea from one of the artillery women for ten pounds , to be paid after the siege was over or , in case of death , by his executors to certain of her relations ; to lend substance to this rather nebulous arrangement which at first only seemed to excite the suspicion of the woman selling the tea , Fleury had drawn up an elaborate letter which began impressively : " To Whomsoever May Find This Missive , I , George Fleury , Being Then Deceased , " and which seemed to Fleury to give a certain legal solemnity to the transaction .
10 The PSP , as the only party in Cuba with an organisational apparatus throughout the island , potentially offered the discipline and political expertise which would be needed to form a revolutionary government and which seemed to be lacking in Castro 's own movement .
11 I if I could just come in there you mentioned this er if you changed your mind on goods , and you seemed to be defining the legal position .
12 The second picture , clearly designed to demonstrate the rewards of illiteracy , showed a scabby-looking native dressed in a threadbare loincloth who crouched in the mud outside a grass hut and who seemed to be sharing his lunch bowl with a baboon .
13 I mean no one noticed anything unusual about her and she seemed to be full of plans for the wedding . ’
14 Her nose was cold and she seemed to be perfectly well so I clipped on her lead and carried her outside .
15 Granny 's crepe paper slipped over one eye and she seemed to be saying ‘ Serves them right . ’
16 An adult , presumably the female , came close inshore , followed by two young ones , and she seemed to be teaching them to fish , but after a few splashing sallies with no success she gave up , and dived away .
17 I was just a little curious and she seemed to be er
18 For they were melting as she stood there , and she seemed to be liquid inside too , her limbs strangely turning to water .
19 And yet despite all this the pounds were creeping up on us and we seemed to be fighting a losing battle .
20 He 'd come round and it had been so nice , and we seemed to be so comfortable with each other , not just in bed you know , and it did n't occur to me we would n't do things together and see each other .
21 ‘ Thanks , ’ she 'd said , and everything seemed to be all right .
22 At the time , Mr Reynolds himself had looked out of curiosity and everything seemed to be in order .
23 Although the haze had restricted visibility forward Spencer recalls that he could see down quite well and everything seemed to be going smoothly for a controlled emergency landing .
24 I was indeed rather dubious about the whole idea , but we had n't been getting very far and there seemed to be no harm in just finding out some more about it .
25 The cuts in the hand were superficial and there seemed to be nothing else wrong .
26 ‘ There was this huge explosion and glass everywhere and there seemed to be an age of silence before pandemonium broke loose .
27 The fascination was , however , accompanied by fear , and there seemed to be an inner conflict between his Christian beliefs and the sorcery of witchcraft .
28 A variety of opinions were aired on the matter by the politicians present , and there seemed to be a definite acknowledgement that at least some of those present held shares in Anglo United , the mother company of IBM .
29 She always felt sorry for the children at the Ragged School and there seemed to be hundreds and hundreds of them .
30 Then they swept past with a great roar of engines , and there seemed to be a voice shouting from a loudspeaker .
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