Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] arrive at " in BNC.

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1 Callahan and I arrived at twelve , Pottz at one .
2 And you leave here at twenty to eight at night a an and you arrive at , you arrive in Ayr in the morning about half past seven .
3 Race 's power to surprise fades as we progress through the 400-odd pages of ‘ raw ’ talk and we arrive at the conclusion more exhausted than enthralled .
4 The journey itself was pretty tiring , taking 21 hours in total and we arrived at the hotel at 5am .
5 The force of the blow pushed them apart , and they arrived at opposite walls simultaneously , kicked again , and met once more in the centre .
6 The traffic had almost disappeared and they arrived at her flat shortly after seven .
7 His father was told about the accident , and he arrived at the scene quickly enough to accompany Guy to hospital in the ambulance .
8 Its articulated design allows it to negotiate sharp curves and it arrived at Brecon in Spring 1986 after its Indian home line closed the year before .
9 Two key assumptions lie behind the senior chief inspector and myself arriving at the figure of 175 .
10 ‘ I do not know if they searched the balls , but they arrived at Wrexham in good order and have gone on sale , ’ said Mr Stokes .
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