Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] would hope " in BNC.

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1 This is what , this is what we 're looking for , we 're not thinking now particularly about either what recommendation they , the jury foreman makes , or what sentence the judge passes , the fact is that the truth or one would hope so , has been established .
2 He added : ‘ I think Esther Rantzen does a tremendous amount of good work , but she is a media star and I would hope that she will realise that people accept what she says as gospel truth .
3 ‘ It is still a very good standard in division two and I would hope that some come here , ’ he said .
4 I must say this was n't a problem for anyone here and I would hope that moving the string ferrule does n't affect the brightness or jangle factor overmuch .
5 Even the most reliable equipment is at the mercy of the fuse in the plug , and I would hope that if the Rocon circuit went off for this ( or any other reason ) , the remaining 200 watts would keep the tank from lethal chilling until I spotted the problem ( I am often away for days at a time )
6 So far as I know there is at present only one such scheme operating in London … and I would hope that it would form a pattern of similar schemes in other parts of London .
7 This is a traditional and most unfortunate highland practice but nevertheless it is something that is currently accepted by the church and I would hope that the convenor in drawing up , or the panel in drawing up the leaflet , would take account of this .
8 And I would hope that we , we we enter into that with th that spirit and
9 ‘ The bus really fulfils a need and I would hope to make arrangements for a return visit in the near future .
10 Indeed and I would hope our discussion of the provision within individual districts , will amend many of these figures .
11 To look at possible locations and I would hope and expect to have a positive contribution from the district council representatives on that , and the county .
12 Well , Chairman , I think it 's most useful , and I would hope that you would endorse that we have set the recommendations , and I 'm not quite sure which sight over that in the consultation period .
13 Erm certainly there are other er comments and statements that have been through the year which er should and has caused us to look at our procedures and to erm make changes where that is appropriate and I would hope that er we would continue to do so .
14 Chairman you 've got to allow me because by the time I 've finished you wo n't be able to stop me , er , but I mean if there 's a lot of money floating about in this area then I think that er , some committee or other should be looking at the the refurbishment of the courts in Devizes which are a disgrace , and partly the fault of this council when th they were allowed to get into such a state , and I mean at some stage or other , something or else is gon na to have to happen to them and I would hope that the magistrates in their wisdom in some committee or other are , are deciding to take these courts back into use .
15 Now the planning application is for Waste Regulation rests with this Authority and I would emphasise that to members here that wh if you 're looking at the sites you must bear in mind that we are the waste Site Planning Application Authority and that you can not go and make progress in any direction without it coming to Committee here and I would hope that officers would bear in mind the sensitivity which has already been mentioned in agenda today but members will find that these applications er are addressed in their own district , in their own divisions .
16 And I think if , and I know it was agreed at group leaders meeting , that if we could find a way that Mr could be paid these erm , allowances , it would be important to allow him to pursue the work which is being done on that committee , and I would hope that we might all agree to the recommendation , and that is when he 's on the steering group , it 's attendance erm , full attendance and er travelling , but on the others , travelling and subsistence .
17 We also have in the area a tremendous number of new houses which have never been contacted by us or for by any political party and I would hope that we might be able to do er something about the area behind the church there is er an area that comes to mind which could well be fruitful , and I would hope that we might during this year get er some kind of literature out to these places apart from election literature .
18 We also have in the area a tremendous number of new houses which have never been contacted by us or for by any political party and I would hope that we might be able to do er something about the area behind the church there is er an area that comes to mind which could well be fruitful , and I would hope that we might during this year get er some kind of literature out to these places apart from election literature .
19 I 'm deeply sad that he feels like that and I would hope that when it happens , he might feel it 's not quite so bad and that he might change his mind .
20 Its success was very evident and I would hope to keep it as a regular feature of the conference .
21 Far be it for me to say that this is the sort of budget that conservatives ought to applaud because it is after all , a budget that is guided by a feeling that councils should provide services and they should orientate their services to the least communities , to be guided by equal opportunities and by egalitarians and that 's what this group has always stood for , this is the budget that we present tonight and I would hope that it would get a far better and far larger measure of support than perhaps of course been the case in the past .
22 It also has to hinder to recognition of what the needs of the people of the city are and I actually cast out , wipe out services and the needs of central administration which is essential to any council and I would hope that not only my own back this amendment .
23 That 's one of the things , I think , that the Roman Catholics who hanker after the old Latin Mass and its ritual miss the most , and I sympathize with them in the sense that there is n't a great deal of mystery about most of the worship in most of our churches any more , and whilst it 's very right and proper for us to be very busy on practical matters , we must n't forget that there are very mysterious questions about our purpose here , about death and life , which are n't answered simply by doing things and being very busy — in fact , that may be a form of escapism — we need both , and I would hope that there will be room again in Christianity in Europe for worship to become something which speaks to the things I find mysterious , and in that respect I think the interest in spirituality and religious experience , in mysticism , in all those sort of areas about one 's personal religious life , and a lot of it not very orthodox or traditional .
24 I know that the Ministry of Defence have been forced to review their private security arrangements at defence establishments er because of breaches of security there , and I would hope that the Health Service and the Department of Health and the Local Health Authorities will take the same kind of responsible action .
25 erm So therefore , we 're embarking on a new area if you like , in so far as not just sponsorship , but erm willingness to participate in a friendly environment , and I would hope that we can be part of that .
26 Erm and , and very enjoyable days they were , but erm I think if I were to plan a big party , or an anniversary or something like that , and I 'd hope those would be jolly enjoyable days too .
27 We intend to arrive at the Radcliffe Infirmary at 10.30 am on Thursday 15 June and we would hope to complete the interview with you in approximately an hour .
28 So although there is not as yet any definitive question , any definitive answer to this same question which was raised by Mr a couple of years ago , it is under consideration and we would hope that the sort of answer which he is hoping for might be forthcoming from that source .
29 This item has been raised with the Head of Staff Relations , Bank of Ireland and we would hope that an early meeting will take place to discuss this issue
30 The public consultation exercise that was part of that erm Greater York study , and quite clearly the Greater York study was not a statutory plan , it was an informal plan , but it was the only way really that progress could be made in the absence erm of adopted local plans in Greater York , it was essential that that document was pursued to give a framework for the preparation of district local plans er and the greenbelt local plan , and the resolution that followed the consultation and the long body of work , and I 'll read it out , was that the development strategy for Greater York from ninety six to two thousand and six should be based on agreed sites within and on the periphery of the built up area , and that the residual requirement be met for the development of a new settlement or settlements located beyond the outer boundary erm of the greenbelt , a quite clearly there 's a major policy implication there that a new settlement was not acceptable within the greenbelt but would have to be er outside the outer boundary of the greenbelt , and the public consultation on that er study er attracted widespread support for a new settlement strategy in Greater York , all six authorities agreed that that was the direction er that had to be taken , it also had another benefit in that it enabled work on the York greenbelt local plan erm to proceed and that has now been taken forward to the stage where the enquiry terminated in May , it 's a joint enquiry in the greenbelt local plan enquiry , with a Southern Ryedale local plan enquiry in April ninety three , and we would hope that the inspectors report on that six month enquiry , when he considered all the objections to the er greenbelt proposals of the County Council , largely supported by the er District Council will be available er in the near future .
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