Example sentences of "[coord] [art] idea [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Obviously , the heroin use of their son or daughter came as a great shock to most parents , many of whom seem to have had little or no idea that their offspring was involved in any drug use whatsoever , let alone daily heroin use .
2 Instead , what we have are literally thousands of measures in educational testing , social surveys , attitude research or statistical analysis , with little or no idea as to how any of them could conceivably be reduced to a few dimensions or compared with agreed-upon standards .
3 He could not see where Terry Place and his killing of William Egan , nor the idea that he might have been a poisoner , fitted into all this , perhaps nowhere , but his violence seemed to have a kind of a parallel in the Essex cases , which might illuminate his own problem .
4 As , in my experience ( and see also Fretter & Graham , 1985 ) , the protoconch ( the first-shell , produced by the young snail within the capsule ) is always smooth , this is difficult to sustain-but the idea that the imbrications may be removed by abrasion is more widespread ( and demonstrable-Largen , 1971 ) .
5 In a high-context culture , however , much more depends on ‘ who you are ’ , personal relationships and the idea that a person 's word is his bond .
6 But More also linked eastern thought about reincarnation to Darwinism , since both stressed the presence of the past and the idea that the most primitive forms persisted in the modern .
7 The second one : having got over the actual evacuation and the idea that I probably would n't ever see my mother again , being evacuated in itself was great .
8 A unitary system , the sovereignty of Parliament usually wielded by a one-party majority , Treasury control of national finance , the absence of a written constitution or a Bill of Rights which courts can use to challenge the government , and the idea that extra-parliamentary party organs are merely ‘ handmaidens ’ of the parliamentary party all bear witness to this centralization .
9 So , even though the man was a stranger and I was afraid of him , I began worrying about his being sick , and the idea that he might die made me feel quite desperate .
10 Paying your penny makes God choose you and the idea that God chooses these beggardly talismans as the instruments of His purpose is a cheap , tawdry , insulting and blasphemous concept of God .
11 And the idea that postural or emotional changes could bring on purring also seems far-fetched .
12 Canon Atkinson regarded the word as indisputedly Old Danish , and the idea that ‘ horn ’ was something to be blown as another absurdity ; ‘ horn ’ meant horned stock and ‘ garth ’ meant fence , so we have ‘ horned-stock fence ’ — but for keeping animals out rather than in .
13 Maturity brings new perspectives and the idea that they are often manipulated for their sporting prowess brings with it a clarity of perception , a perception succinctly summarized by Birchfield 's sprinter Lincoln Asquith : ‘ I was used by school teachers 'cause I was good at sport .
14 It does not mean — what it all too often has become — an aid to impulse buying , ‘ immediate ’ gardening , and the idea that ‘ if we lift them and pot them up instead of leaving them in the ground , we can sell them in a couple of weeks time as ‘ container grown ’ ’ .
15 This leads to the distinction between the error ( always to be rejected ) and the one who errs ( always to be respected ) , and the idea that even ‘ erroneous ’ systems can have ‘ good and commendable elements ’ ( 159 ) .
16 Howard would surely not have objected to either , although the idea of a department of corrections would have been very strange to him and the idea that it could act as a system to feed and clothe itself would presumably have seemed a desirable but unreal and irrelevant objective .
17 Such celestial unions may compete with their earthly counterparts , and the idea that the spirits should sexually possess their devotees is by no means excluded .
18 And the idea that I resisted her desire to vamoose from my apartment , that I was unmoved when she burst into tears — how could I , an aficionado of opera , fail to respond to lachrymosity ? — is a ridiculous exaggeration .
19 For there , control over the means and amount of production vests by doctrine in a central authority ; and the idea that the ownership of particular factories or plants by the people who work in them , of accountability to those people , and of ultimate control by those people , is grossly incompatible with that doctrine .
20 The view was expressed that with technological progress unskilled jobs were disappearing and the idea that full employment is possible no longer makes any sense .
21 Another attractive feature of retributivism is that there is a natural connection between the retributive approach and the idea that offenders have rights .
22 In the past , the company 's status as a body responsible for the performance of public functions , and the idea that public benefit was a prerequisite of incorporation , were also evident .
23 But by the time a baby boy grows up , his head has been stuffed with myths and taboos , and the idea that in sexual matters , the man always knows best ! ’
24 She hoped such a threat would put the fear of God in him , not least because he had a particular loathing for competition , and the idea that his own stepson might join forces with the opposition and take with him all manner of secrets was too much to stomach .
25 Secondly , there is a fundamental connection between critical reasoning of this kind , and the idea that the process of higher education can bring with it a new level of intellectual freedom for the student .
26 Other modern myths include : tales of survival of the recession by switching advertising budgets to PR ; the principle that property prices always recover ; and the idea that privatisation automatically heralds increased competition .
27 The conception of the political community which underlay this exclusive franchise , and the idea that corporate bodies ( rather than individuals ) should be represented , meant that the supporters of the theory and practice of the eighteenth-century constitution held the view that every major legitimate political interest was represented in Parliament — if not directly then at least " virtually " through the broad mix of members from different places and of varying backgrounds .
28 Second , there is the issue of the method for appointing the leader of the Labour Party and the idea that this should no longer be in the gift of the parliamentary party alone .
29 Third , there is the issue of the party manifesto for a general election and the idea that this should no longer be drawn up just by the leader on the basis of informal consultations .
30 The two unattached women seemed to have been drawn together perhaps by their very unattachedness but more certainly by Rupert Stonebird 's dinner party and the idea that they might meet him in Rome .
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