Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] early [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We evaluated children with Crohn 's disease presenting before or during early puberty and analysed the variation in their subsequent linear growth in relation to anatomical distribution of disease , severity of gastrointestinal symptoms , sex , and therapeutic interventions .
2 Cloves can be planted in October , go get head with the growth , or in early April ; plant them 15–20cm ( 6–8in ) apart and about 2.5cm ( 1in ) deep , i.e. with 2.5cm ( 1in ) of soil above the tip of the clove .
3 For example , some premature ejaculation is patterned by early courting habits — too many rushed exchanges in the back of a car — or by early experiences with prostitutes when the faster the customer performs , the more the prostitute is pleased .
4 The simplest two-instrument cell injection technique for both primitive streak stage and for early somite stage embryos will be described .
5 The key similarity for Freud lies in the dominance of unconscious processes both for infants and for early man .
6 There were previously two cottages here and during early alterations the gallery came within the house .
7 The style and tone of this appendix are quite astonishing ; fortunately , readers of this book and of Early music will be aware that for one writer to read another 's work insufficiently carefully to understand it , to attribute to him ideas he does not hold , and then to subject them to sarcasm and ridicule is no way to conduct academic debate , and about these four pages the present writer — the recipient of this attention — needs say no more .
8 With great patience and no doubt a certain amount of pride , for here he was expert , he minutely described the cultivation of pineapples , melons and oranges in stoves and greenhouses , cucumbers on hot beds and of early fruits , wall-forced , for which he had a special reputation .
9 ) Similarly , the effects of early Elvis ( and of early rock ‘ n ’ roll in general ) change over time , as the articulating factors change .
10 Throughout their infancy , and into early adolescence , William had been Preston 's sexual consultant , advising him on all technical and ethical complications .
11 Er I suspect that through December and into early January , we would be moving towards agreement er hopefully agreement on the location for the new settlement .
12 From mid-October and into early November there were disturbances on the university campus in Oujda , and less seriously in Fez , Meknes and Kenitra , as Islamic fundamentalist students clashed with secularist opponents , in some cases supporters of the National Union of Moroccan students ( UNEM ) .
13 Studies of long-term growth and development give evidence that children of mothers who smoked in pregnancy may have slight but measurable deficiencies in physical growth and intellectual development throughout childhood and into early adulthood .
14 Early stages ( up to and including early 4-cell ) are more sensitive to acid Tyrode 's treatment ( especially early in the cell cycle ) than later stages .
15 In due course this became a grievance and from early days , no doubt , it could be commuted for payment in money .
16 But many more were needed , and in early January Coleridge set off to publicize the new venture on a tour of the Midlands , recording an eventful journey with comic gusto both in his letters at the time and almost twenty years later in the Biographia Literaria .
17 Christmases were wonderful and greatly looked forward to by us both , but they were also tiring , and in early January , when all danger of further jollity from New Year had receded , we took ourselves off for a couple of days .
18 In April , while on a protracted stay with Janet 's parents in Walsall , she complains of his extremely hard work , and in early May she first states that he is working for Oxford entrance .
19 An economic embargo had been established in late March , and in early May the government had attempted to increase the pressure by declaring a 50-mile " exclusion zone " around the island , from which all ships and aircraft would be prohibited .
20 Palestinian and Jordanian pressure for a summit had been mounting since April , and in early May Iraq announced that it would host the meeting .
21 A serious escalation in the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan at the end of April and in early May was accompanied by accusations from the Armenian leadership that the Soviet authorities were openly siding with the Azerbaijanis , as a reward for Azerbaijan 's decision the week before to be party to the new Union Treaty , and as punishment for Armenia 's independence drive .
22 The skips go on and they do n't come off , and in early October the ramp is gone .
23 Towards the end of September Patil 's position was weakened when he suffered a stroke , and in early October his predicament worsened when Advani 's Rath Yatra [ see above ] incited serious communal rioting in Karnataka which resulted in up to 50 deaths .
24 I wrote off to Time Out and in early February 1981 found myself surrounded by eight or nine other blind socialists discussing the formation of the Alternative Talking Newspapers Collective .
25 The protests continued and in early April , in an effort to contain the mounting unrest , King Birendra dismissed the Prime Minister , Marich Man Singh Shrestha , and appointed in his place the moderate Lokendra Bahadur Chand .
26 Nationalists organized in " Citizens ' Committees " attempted to pre-empt the Estonian Supreme Soviet elections by holding at the end of February and in early March privately organized elections to a rival " Congress of Estonia " , intended as a revival of the parliament of the independent pre-war republic .
27 Other such incidents were reported on Feb. 29 at Pecinje in central Albania , where a youth and a policeman died , on Feb. 25 in Pogradec ( south-east of Tirana ) , where two people suffocated in a looting crowd which also attacked shops and a textile factory , and in early March at Louchnje .
28 Sow Japanese onions in the north at the end of August and in early September in the south .
29 Scent and colour still run riot in the gardens and in early July this , and Ravello 's cathedral , become venues for a Wagner music festival .
30 A referendum on the Constitution , postponed in November and in early December , was scheduled for January 1992 , to be followed by local elections the same month , with legislative elections in March and presidential elections in May or June .
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