Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] outside the " in BNC.

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1 If you go abroad to live , or remain outside the UK for three months or more , you can continue to receive the pension , but you may not get any increase when the pension goes up .
2 You could go round with a lampshade on your head , or join the loonies in the Buddhist robes , or sit outside the Drop-in Centre all day with a can of Special Brew in your hand .
3 The new Regulations will be effective from 6 April 1993 to enable plan managers and investors to arrange for holdings in ineligible trusts to be sold or transferred outside the plan .
4 The way in which the school is perceived by the local community may depend not only on overt performance indicators such as language and numeracy skills but also on covert performance indicators such as how the pupils behave on the bus going home or smoking outside the school premises .
5 They will not apply , however , where the beneficiary of the capital distribution is a company or is an individual resident or domiciled outside the United Kingdom .
6 In many cases the structure may also be capable of being assessed under TA 1988 , s739 although if there is a UK life tenant it may be argued that the income is not in reality paid to a person who is resident or domiciled outside the United Kindom within TA 1988 , s739 .
7 Taxes Act 1988 , s739(1) states that the section is enacted : … for the purpose of preventing the avoiding by individuals ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom of liability to income tax by means of transfer of assets by virtue or in consequence of which , either alone or in conjunction with associated operations , income becomes payable to persons resident or domiciled outside the United Kingdom .
8 Section 739(2) reads as follows : Where by virtue or in consequence of any such transfer , either alone or in conjunction with associated operations , such an individual has , within the meaning of this section , power to enjoy , whether forthwith or in the future , any income of a person resident or domiciled outside the United Kingdom which , if it were income of that individual received by him in the United Kingdom … would be chargeable to income tax by deduction or otherwise , that income shall , whether it would or would not have been chargeable to income tax apart from the provisions of this section , be deemed to be income of that individual for all purposes of the Income Tax Acts .
9 " Capital sums " — section 739(3) ( 4 ) states : ( 3 ) Where , whether before or after any such transfer , such an individual receives or is entitled to receive any capital sum the payment of which is in any way connected with the transfer or any associated operation , any income which , by virtue or in consequence of the transfer , either alone or in conjunction with associated operations , has become the income of a person resident or domiciled outside the United Kingdom shall , whether it would or would not have been chargeable to income tax apart from the provisions of this section , be deemed to be income of that individual for all purposes of the Income Tax Acts .
10 Taxes Act 1988 , s740 has effect where there is a transfer of assets , either alone or in conjunction with associated operations , and income becomes payable to a person resident or domiciled outside the United Kingdom .
11 Relevant income for any year of assessment , in relation to an individual is any income which arises in that year to a person resident or domiciled outside the United Kingdom and which by virtue or in consequence of the transfer or associated operations referred to in the main charging provision — s740 — can directly or indirectly be used for providing a benefit for the individual or for enabling a benefit to be provided for him .
12 At the meetings called in different villages , some proposed a raid on the Rebecca , as the new sloop was called ; others planned to murder the guards in the food stores behind the stockade at Belmont and set them on fire ; but when Dulé and his companions sailed in from Oualie to discuss the best strategy , they suggested slow , persistent attrition : waylaying the occasional soldier or watch outside the compound , or in the sturdy dwellings of the English leaders , until the islanders had accumulated at least twenty guns , as well as the necessary tackle to go with them , the gunpowder kegs and pouches for shot , the ramrods to load the barrels .
13 Corrigan points out that the delinquency of these boys can not be explained or understood outside the context of their leisure activities ( or lack of them ) .
14 The Gross Domestic Product of a region represents the total sum of the value added in that region minus the input of factors of production located or employed outside the region .
15 As England 's leading batsman of the 1980s he has borne a heavy responsibility and perhaps because of this has never completely fulfilled his potential ; few batsmen can have been blessed with so much natural ability , yet he often looks vulnerable until he has settled down and even then has succumbed countless times to an infuriating nibble or waft outside the off stump .
16 Stuart had been more aware of their existence this year , walking up to lectures at the university , going through the Grassmarket or the gardens , seeing drab figures squatting on the stone steps , or standing outside the hotel in the evening by the vents from the kitchen where the steam formed vapour clouds and it was possible to inhale the smell of food with the intensity of a drug .
17 The fact that these costs can not readily be quantified or fall outside the fundholding sector does not mean that they should be overlooked .
18 Since they held Jordanian passports , it followed that those wishing to work or travel outside the West Bank had to pass over the bridge .
19 Those pupils wishing to continue their education have either to transfer to a school which does have a sixth form or to a sixth form college , or to move outside the secondary school system into a tertiary or further education college ( see below ) .
20 Nonetheless , this judicial fiction functions in a class-biased way , maintaining the capitalist mode of production through the ‘ juridical illusion ’ that social conflicts can be settled or refereed outside the class struggle .
21 the Directors be authorised to establish any further employee share option scheme which they consider appropriate for employees of the Company or any subsidiary or associate of the Company who are resident or working outside the United Kingdom , provided that :
22 The actual goods and services selected include a wide range of food items ; alcoholic drinks ; tobacco ; housing costs ( including mortgage interest payments ) ; fuel and light ; durable household goods ( such as furniture , television sets and hardware ) ; clothing and footwear ; transport and vehicles ( including petrol and oil ) ; a large selection of miscellaneous goods ( including books , newspapers and stationery ) ; services ( which include postage and telephone charges , and all entertainments ) ; and meals bought and consumed outside the home .
23 At the same time thousands of angry and grieving demonstrators defied the state of emergency and gathered outside the Azerbaijan Supreme Soviet building , where the Presidium President , Elmira Kafarova , issued a statement denouncing the military action and declared three days of national mourning .
24 Finally they arrived at Maggie 's cottage and stopped outside the front door .
25 I trudged over the soft earth , in among the houses , and stopped outside the one-room school , where a crowd of boys had gathered .
26 Stella crossed the street and loitered outside the store window displaying haughty mannequins flaunting swagger coats .
27 The arms are about 8 times the disk diameter , flat , and widening outside the disk .
28 It was to be a small rally , starting at the Olympic Stadium and ending outside the rebuilt Reichstag building at the Platz der Republik in the Tiergarten .
29 Many analysts might argue that the exploration of the unconscious can take place sensibly only within their particular therapeutic discipline , and lies outside the competence of most public sector practitioners .
30 The exiles from Ecuador — more accustomed to jungle and soggy heat — had gasped unashamedly as we rounded the bend above the cliffs , and they remained quite mute , awestruck , as we circled down into town and parked outside the Hotel Eberhardt for a dish of the king crab , centolla , and a mug of beer .
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